It’s hard to exactly measure how many pages Google scanned and made available through their Google Book search. The following search mixes common English, German and French words with the OR operator and returns 137 million pages, and the idea was pointed out by Jon in the forum:
a | the | and | but | of | from | der | die | das | le | la
Can you find a search resulting in more pages?
Roughly half a decade after the dotcom crash Tristan Louis recaps just what it is that makes a bubble. Tristan lists Little attention to infrastructure problems, Poster child can do no wrong, Features and me-too solutions, Money, money, money and a “The rules are different now” attitude as potential signs of trouble. Are we experiencing that now?
What a nice idea... Ricky was dressing up as a Google Image search for “Halloween” for Halloween. [Via Justin Pfister.]
Strange; URLs like or all resolve fine at the moment. Angelo Embuldeniya in the forum found the first signs of those. Does this mean Google has a standard library for applications using Google Maps, and does it mean Google Calendar will be one of the tools using Google Maps? At the moment, – the sub-domain that has been around for a while – still shows the Google homepage, but some people expect something to happen there very soon. We’ll see...
John Battelle interviews Google CEO Eric Schmidt for Business 2.0. Very interesting. [Via Search Engine Watch.] started a Google roundtable, and you can find many experts on the topic discussing online for the next days. There’s David Vise of The Google Story, John Battelle, Om Malik, Gary Price, Doug Edwards and others. The first day topic was “Search and ads,” and tomorrow it’s all about “Google on the desktop.”
Ryan McGeehan tried to find out who provides the antivirus software Google uses to check its Gmail emails... and thinks it’s likely to be Sophos. [Thanks Michael Lansing.]
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