Where’s the center of the world? Apparently, it’s Coffeyville, Kansas – at least that’s where you end up when you go to Google Maps and zoom in as far as you can. “We get e-mails from all over the world,” City Clerk Cindy Price told Wired, “People want to see how far they can zoom.” [Via Waxy.]
The Google employee blogs page has been remade. Besides the new URL, new posts will now be shown at the top, with a more extensive list of Googlers. (At the beginning the posts are in no particular order, but as soon as new ones come in this will correct itself.) The blogs that were added to this list can be found in the archive... if you have more blogs to add, let me know.
IT Conversations has an interview with Yahoo CEO Terry Semel.
Corsin Camichel posts that
Google names Larry Brilliant as Executive Director of Google.org. [And thanks to Alek, Brinke and Billy for emailing this.]
In other Google News from the forum, Pd notes Google and Earthlink team up for SF WiFi, and Valleywag’s trying to find the hottest Google girls.
Someone sent this bit to Valleywag:
“When you delete a photo from your [Blogger] blog, it disappears from your blog. But it does not disappear from photos1.blogger.com, and Google/Blogger says there is NO WAY WHATSOEVER to delete any photo you have ever uploaded that Blogger has stored there.”
True or not? Here’s a site-search for photos1.blogger.com on Google Images... with 676,000 results.
There’s a new & official Google Research blog in town. I’ve added this one to the Google’s blogs page. [Thanks Pierre S.]
The Gaaagle blog collects images, videos and other content relating to Google’s censorship policies in China. You can email your pointers to infogaaagle.com. (Caution: the Heartbroke ’n and Gaaagle’d video crashed Firefox here.)
Bernardo Felzenszwalb knows that identity theft can happen... as long as Life is still in Beta.
Susan Kuchinskas has an update on the Perfect 10 vs Google case:
“Adult publisher Perfect 10 won a partial victory in its efforts to stop search engines’ display of its photos in image search results.
Today, Judge A. Howard Matz of the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California said Perfect 10 is likely to succeed in proving that Google directly infringes its copyright by creating and displaying thumbnail copies of its photographs.”
If image search thumbnails aren’t fair use, then what’s the Google cache... where full pages are being republished?
In other news, Google created a “Google Book Search fact-checking brigade” group to bust popular copyright myths.
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