Tech Dirt digs up an interesting bit in the latest evolving story of Yahoo working with the Chinese gov’t to hand over user information... according to USA Today, the email that helped to jail Jiang Lijun was just in draft mode. Two things are noteworthy here: first, the email wasn’t even sent, and the user might have thought its draft mode makes it more private; second, just how did the Chinese gov’t know about this user and draft in the first place? (Do they regularly spy on users in some sort of agreement with Yahoo?)
The official Yahoo Blog in the meantime remains silent on the issue. This reminds us it’s not a real blog – a real blog would help push even uncomfortable truths if relevant. And if Yahoo would truly believe all it does is completely OK per a “greater good” then it could be transparent about it... apparently, that’s not the case.
Update: Some react to this news by closing their Yahoo accounts.
[Thanks Manoj Nahar.]
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