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Wednesday, May 3, 2006

No GuGe? Create Your Own

For Chinese users who dislike Google’s new Chinese name, there’s a solution... create your own Google homepage & logo! [Thanks Hecaitou.]

Isometric Gallery

This gallery by Jon Haddock from around 2000/2001 shows computer-game-style pixel images depicting well-known real world events/ fictionary scenes... it’s a provocative juxtaposition.

Google Cookies

Yummy... Google spelled in cookies. You can create your own message. (Also nice: the road sign generator). [Via Boing Boing, Generator blog.]

Quitting YouTube

Nathan Weinberg and Miel Van Opstal are quitting YouTube. YouTube objected to several of Nathan’s videos, some of which Nathan thinks are fair use, and finally kicked him (and removed his videos). “It is clear they have no interest in preserving a digital archive of video content for the future, and that I cannot rely on them for posterity.”

In other recent news, YouTube made it impossible to upload any large videos (they figured that often, large videos are copyright-infringing). I get a feeling the more technology enables us to share in theory, the less laws enable us to share in practice. For the last 1-minute clip I grabbed from TV, I received a (kind of) cease & desist.

More Legal Battles...

After the latest Google/ Microsoft clash over IE7, here’s a humorous look at potential future clashes in different industries... (“[Motorola] sues Nokia because their ring tones are .04db louder causing the Black Eyed Peas to be considered an ’unofficial’ sponsor of Nokia unfairly biasing the marketplace towards Nokia phones.”) [Via Digg.]


And that’s what happens when you apply ASCII art to Google Maps. [Thanks Italo.]


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