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Monday, June 12, 2006

Google Earth 4

Google released Google Earth 4, with SketchUp integration and an improved interface. Google writes:

We’ve reorganized the data layers to make it easier to find layers and turn them on and off. The nav panel at the bottom of the screen is gone, freeing up more real estate for actual imagery. The nav panel tools are still accessible, though; the nav controllers are now in the upper right and the tools (measure, print, email) are in the new tools bar along the top.

I noticed two things that suck with the 13 MB setup, in order of importance:

  1. Google installed a German version of Google Earth. I didn’t want that, I downloaded it from the English site. (A German interface means I’m not able to talk about the program or search for online help on it effectively.)
  2. Google tried, again, to set itself as default search engine in Internet Explorer.

[Thanks Ionut Alex. Chitu.]


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