Eric Schmidt is interviewed on Condé Nast Portfolio.
Eric Schmidt says, “At Google everything is about speed. ... If we’d done any particular thing 3 months earlier, or 6 months earlier, we would have been much better. ... The China decision, which is I think the most controversial one the company has been through, is one that in hindsight we could have done earlier. Because that market is growing more quickly. I don’t think we would have changed the decision, but I think earlier is better.”
Eric adds that Sergey Brin’s recent statements showing a somewhat more doubtful stance of the company were “misquoted or something.” He puts it back to the old argument that the company was facing the decision to exclude all Chinese or give them at least a bit of Google, an argument many people picked up. The reality, as we know, was vastly different; it was a decision between a 90% working* vs a partly censored 100% working (a that would exist alongside
Reporters Without Borders say that Yahoo in China is the worst when it comes to censorship, far ahead of MSN and Google. According to the report, not only does Yahoo block the most terms (even more than local Baidu), it also blocks subsequent searches for 1 hour when a blacklisted word has been entered. Unfortunately, the scope of the Reporters Without Borders test was a tiny sample set of only 6 queries, with additional research on the listed sources checking for “pro-Beijing” sites. [Via Digg.]
Google now allows you to schedule exactly when your AdWords run, the official AdWords blog reports. Google says with ad scheduling (aka “dayparting”), you can also “automatically modify ... bids based on time-of-day and day-of-week cycles in campaign performance.”
Kirby Witmer reports that when you download Java from, the setup asks you if you want to install Google Desktop as well. As opposed to “evil bundling” the value is “off” by default so I think it’s fair – the fine but important line between a service and spam is whether the user actively asks for it.
This chat talks back to you... in anagrams of your own words. [Thanks Markus.]
Xooglers, the group blog of Ex-Googlers, has an interesting story on how the original Google/ Dilbert logo series developed (and why the original sketch was changed into this final version). [Via Search Engine Watch.]
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