The US search engines are all dressing up today to celebrate July 4th. Ask goes crazy with a fireworks wallpaper (-1 points style, +2 points braveness), Google shows two dancing... uhm... animals, and Yahoo uses elements from Lady Liberty in their logo. MSN seems to be missing out... [Thanks Brinke, David and Ionut.]
According to German Spiegel, some pranksters are putting 10 kilo heavy concrete footballs all around Berlin, like near football festivities. Next to the so far 8 footballs, which are all chained to lamp posts and such, pink graffiti reads: “Can u kick it?” Two male twenty-somethings so far couldn’t resist and tried to kick the ball... and went straight to hospital. The police are investigating.
Starting at minute 37 in this Charlie Rose interview on Google Video, Larry Page and Sergey Brin speak out on their relatively young company (Sergey: “Larry’s kind of obnoxious ... We’re both actually kind of obnoxious.”). We’ve come a long way... [Thanks Oreo in the forum.]
... then we’d have a tiny email storage which we’d search by hand, we’d be paying for Sketchup, our homepage would be a portal, and more.
A ZDNet post highlights a list of potential problems Google says may affect their success (this is from a Google statement to investors for the first quarter 2006). In a nutshell:
[Via Tadeusz, who saw it on Digg.]
Carlos Duarte sent along some screenshots and writes:
We all suspect that someday Firefox will be officially a Google Product. ... However, Opera users don’t have an easy life if they want to use some Google products. They don’t support some of the most popular applications like Google Notebook, Calendar, Writely, Spreadsheets or Page Creator. However, AdSense and AdWords are Opera friendly – [it’s] easy to know why.
The Live PageRank tool shows a site’s PR across different Google data centers. [Thanks Markus and Ionut.]
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