Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The Blog Surprise Game
OK, I call this game “blog surprise”. The objective is to surprise a blogger who just posted their very first blog post ever... by welcoming that blogger to the blogosphere, showering them with attention, and leaving lots of comments. To find posts, all you need to do is enter “first post” into Google Blog search. Here are some young blogs to start with:
- hi. waving at you... :)
What happened that day when you sat down to write the first post on your new blog?
Correction: Wish him happy anniversary, it’s not his first blog post but it’s one year since his first post! [Thanks Andreas S.]
- First Post!
Welcome to yet another Adobe employee blog! My name is Peter deHaan, and I work at Adobe as a documentation writer for Flash and various things “ActionScript”.
For my first post I’d like to share an e-mail that I recently received. I’ve actually received it a while back as well, but I think in light of today’s “matzav” - our war situation here in Eretz Yisrael - it is more relevant than ever
Update: This blogger blogged somewhere else before... it’s only their first blog post on this particular blog.
- Well Here It Is, My First Post
After years of commenting on various blogs, and being one of the more frequent commentator on this blog, I have finally decided to try blogging from the other side.
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