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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

AdSense Updates: Include Search Results and More

Google now has an updated AdSense for Search feature. Previously search results (which can earn webmasters money through AdSense) were displayed on their own full page. Now you can include the results as an Iframe for better integration into your existing layout.

Unfortunately, the Iframe has a fixed width of 650 pixels, which may break many layouts (take a look – it’s ugly). Even when you change this value to something else in the HTML snippet provided, the frame will stay this large. More configuration options would be nice here.

There are a couple of more issues with the snippets; for example, Google forgot to use form labels for better usability. Also, results were always titled with “Web” during my tests, even when I was using SiteSearch. For now, I’ll stick to the Google Web API to integrate site search results.

Another change to Google AdSense is an advanced reporting feature which (optionally) breaks down ad impressions into individual ads shown per unit. For example, when a leaderboard format contains 4 ads, this will count as 4 ad impressions per page view.

On a related note, am I the only one missing the feature showing the month broken down into individual days right on the AdSense frontpage? These days, you have to click on “This month, by day” to view this report, whereas the AdSense homepage only includes aggregate data giving no indication of traffic peaks.

[Thanks Ionut Alex. Chitu.]


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