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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rare Calvin & Hobbes

Here are some rarities by cartoonist Bill Watterson. [Via Drawn.]

Meta Tags Abuse Illegal

If you abuse HTML meta tags to lure children to view material harmful to them, you can now face up to 20 years in prison in the US, the Register reports. Then again, search engines tend to ignore meta tags anyway. [Thanks Tadeusz.]

Google Apps for Your Domain Mocked

Self-proclaimed “US Leader in Microsoft Exchange Hosting” Intermedia.NET has issued a press release mocking the new Google Apps for Your Domain... and its key features like “24x0 support,” “No wireless access,” “Private data read by others” and “Ads inside applications.” [Via Google System.]

Schmidt Elected to Apple’s Board of Directors

From an Apple press release:

Apple today announced that Dr. Eric Schmidt, chief executive officer of Google, was elected to Apple’s board of directors at their meeting today.

The discussion started in the forum.

[Thanks TomHTML and Manoj Nahar.]


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