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Friday, October 6, 2006

Google Books Top 10

Google announced the most-viewed books of their Google Books search program:

  1. Diversity and Evolutionary Biology of Tropical Flowers
  2. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms
  3. Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk
  4. Ultimate Healing: The Power of Compassion
  5. The Holy Qur’an
  6. Peterson’s Study Abroad 2006
  7. Hegemony Or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance
  8. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage
  9. Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense
  10. Build Your Own All-Terrain Robot

PHP Programmers Swear the Most

Thanks to Google’s new Code Search and some datamining, we now know that PHP is the language with most occurrences of the F-word. I bet half of those people are cursing at their own programming language – the PHP syntax has lots of inconsistencies & redundancies making a programmer’s life harder. [Via Digg.]

Google Search Cloud

The Google Search Cloud is a Perl program displaying Google refererrer information – stuff people searched for to end up on your site – in a kind of tag cloud. [Via Digg.]

Did You Mean: Mxyzptlk?

[A Google spelling suggestion for ’mxyzplk’.]

I think you need to be a comic book fan to smile at this...


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