Google Blogoscoped

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Measure Your Blog Juice

This tool is kinda fun... Blog Juice tells you how well your blog ranks by analyzing Technorati, Alexa and Bloglines stats, as well as backlinks. For example, TechCrunch has a Blog Juice of 8.8, and Search Engine Watch scores 8.7. (This is an instance of a web app where I think a regular form would’ve been superior to their chosen AJAX approach, though.)

[Disclosure: Text Link Ads, creators of the tool, used to advertise here a while ago.]

Update: Some of the AJAX issues are fixed now.

Deceptive Google Ads

Benjamin Edelman of Harvard University discusses popular Google AdWords scams – such as sites pretending to offer free content, but then making you pay for it (or sites making you pay for content that’s actually free to begin with). Ben writes:

Although sophisticated users will realize that these sites are bad deals, novice or hurried users may not. These sites bid for top search engine placement – often appearing above search engines’ organic (main) results. Some proportion of users see these prominent ads, click through, and get tricked into paying for these otherwise-free programs. Claiming a refund takes longer than it’s worth to most users. So as a practical matter, a site need only trick each user for an instant in order to receive its fee.

[Thanks Pd!]

Identification Based on Surfing Patterns

Gary Price points me to this article on Clickprints by

[Balaji Padmanabhan and Catherine Yang in “Clickprints on the Web"] find that each individual may have a “clickprint” – a unique pattern of web surfing behavior based on actions such as the number of pages viewed per session, the number of minutes spent on each web page, the time or day of the week the page is visited, and so on. The authors conclude that by observing these patterns, an e-commerce company can distinguish between two individuals with nearly 100% accuracy...


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