If you’re a webmaster and you ever checked your referral statistics, you might have noticed a huge increase in people coming from StumbleUpon.com to find your site. Stumble Upon is a community service that lets people add a toolbar so they can discover random new sites. Now Google released something quite related as a button for the Google Toolbar. Instead of a community-powered random site, clicking on the dice symbol will send you to a page that is related to your past searches, as aggregated in your search history. The first site which I was sent to after rolling the pair of dice was the W3C web page validator (I always enter html validator into the address bar to find it via Google). If this feature of Google gets anywhere near as popular as StumbleUpon, Google will have a hit...
To get more recommendations, Google suggests you create a new tab for your personalized homepage which you title “Recommendations” (leaving the feeling lucky option active). You’ll get different gadgets with video suggestions, web page suggestions, news bits and more.
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