Google now allows for 3 new video ad formats;: 728x90, 120x600 and 160x600. You’ll see them all together on the AdSense formats page (scroll down to the video section – you’ll notice that only a smaller section of the ad includes the player) and you can find a playable “live” ad on Google’s announcement blog post.
To display video ads on your site, you need to make sure you enable video ads for one of the supported formats*. As for how these ads make money to webmasters who display them, Google explains that it depends on the type of ad, and that you’ll earn either per click on a URL (or on a video which forwards to the advertiser’s site), or on an impression basis.
*Bad luck if you want to display images, but you prefer not to have auto-playing animations, or you prefer not to have clickable videos... there’s no specific option for that (yet).
French presents a funny video of Gman to make you aware of all the “Google action in our everyday life,” as the creators put it. Gman is a robotic, personalized agent helping you through your everyday tasks, like answering snail mail or reading newspapers. And sometimes, Gman can also become a barrier to communication, as the short movie shows... (note that the video sound is muted by default, so you need to tick it on first). [Thanks TomHTML!]
When you enter “” in your browser, you’ll end up on iGoogle at, Google’s personalized homepage, though your settings won’t be changed to make this your default homepage if it’s not. In that regard this is a bit different from the bevavior of clicking “iGoogle” on your classic Google homepage, as that will also permanently trigger iGoogle when you enter just “” (until the next time you hit “classic Google” again).
Note the domain is older. But before and around when iGoogle was launched (and possibly some time thereafter – I’m not sure when this new behavior was rolled out), entering “” would actually take you to your default page, e.g. classic (or iGoogle). The newer redirect makes sense from a usability point of view... you may want to go to iGoogle every once in a while without making it your default Google homepage, and now you easily can.
“User Name and Password” is a video by Darren Barefoot showing a typical day on the internet, circa 2006 (it’s got a catchy tune, too). [Thanks Darren!]
These pictures are constantly shaking and can appear as sort-of-3D if you just look at them for some seconds (without the need for special glasses or any other viewer, that is). [Thanks Alek!]
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