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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

IGoogle’s Broken Calendar

Several users of iGoogle (the former “Google Personalized Homepage”) are reporting that the officical Google Calendar widget is broken – it just doesn’t show any events ever since Google switched to the “iGoogle" name. I can reproduce this with Firefox and the old gadget URL, calendar.xml. By now, Google offers a new gadget URL, calendar2.xml, which works here... though some users are reporting that this one is broken as well since last week (and it’s really strange that Google would change the gadget URL instead of fixing the existing one, because this way existing users won’t be alerted to the change). If you too have troubles with your iGoogle calendar, try switching to the new URL and see if it works. “I do not understand why Google is not paying any attention to the overwhelming negative feedback that all of this is causing for them and their Calendar application,” Ian Davies comments in an email.

[Thanks Ian Davies and J.!]


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