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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Google April Fool’s Jokes Galore

Japan started early with the April 1st specialties, but the jokes continue. Thanks to everyone who helps collecting Google’s April Fool’s pranks in the forum (or sent in things via mail)! Here’s the list of Google’s jokes and Google-related pranks from over the web, which I may update during the day (for all items I’ll add the disclaimer that it’s likely it’s a hoax, but some of the items may not be!):

You can also add your comments in the respective forum threads.

[Thanks and hat tip Jérôme, Tony, Abdul, BrianS, Josue, Diego, Fred, Jon, Hebbet, Pau, DPic, Yakov, Mike, Frank, Network Weblogs, Ihar, Phil, Richard, Milad, Jf, John, Rkgblog, Miss Universe, everyone!]

Update: It’s April 2nd here, so I wanted to clear up some of the things from yesterday.

First, there were some side jokes hidden in this post. Most importantly, the Google Docs offline functionality was no April Fool’s joke as mentioned, but real.

Second, the layout wasn’t really broken, though thanks to all those who cared and wrote in. Originally Tony and I planned to do something with Cliply... but when Google Docs went ahead with a joke of their own, we scrapped that. Time was running out so I experimented with some ways to hide something in the HTML source of the page – there were a couple of failed “prototypes,” but with Tony’s help this got tuned into something we hoped could work. Half an hour or more after we put this live, we were truly relieved when the first responses trickled in!


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