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Monday, August 25, 2008

Google Translation Onebox

Google has a new direct result showing translations, triggered for certain queries. Here are some examples:

Here are two sample queries which specifically do not trigger the onebox:

All in all such a translation onebox if done right would be an incredibly helpful feature. I’m currently using a Firefox search box connected to for English to German translations, and I’m referring to it quite frequently. However, the quality of the translation onebox by Google is surprisingly bad... it just doesn’t always find the most appropriate words to look up in the dictionary. Even if we’d assume the translator would be right 70% of the time, it would still be almost useless because if you don’t speak the language you also can’t easily verify whether or not you’ve hit on one of those 30% bad results.

Also see Google’s translate gadget, available as a “subscribed links” feature to add to your results, and Google onebox results we still need (from 2006)..

[Thanks TomHTML!]


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