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Google Sites UI Redesign

JEShack [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
15 years ago3,739 views

Last one to join the revamped is Google Sites continuing to one I've mentioned before.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

It seems they might have also broken some existing sites.

A couple of weeks ago, I helped a local music club move their website to Google Sites. All pages in the navigation have now completely disappeared, with the exception of the Sitemap, which I'd removed.

Not only that, but they've also changed the physical layout of where the search box appears. (Which is actually better, right at the top, but that's not how their header graphic was designed.)

They've also changed the edit toolbar to appear right at the top of the page rather than just at the top of the page content, and the've updated the standard footer included on each page.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Having checked the old HTML from Google's cache against the new HTML, they've actually made quite a lot of changes to the CSS and some of the layout.

I realise the Google Sites Team has to keep updating their templates as new features are introduced or bugs are discovered, but the least they could do is email their users or post to their blog to tell everyone to check that their sites haven't got any issues a result...

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Ah... it looks like there's a post about this now:

drtimofey [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

It feels good, just by looking at it. Clean, simple and actually uses all space on the screen.

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