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PageRank sculpting is dead  (View post) [PersonRank 10]

Saturday, June 6, 2009
15 years ago4,401 views

Above 1 comments were made in the forum before this was blogged,

Eugene Villar [PersonRank 5]

15 years ago #

Interesting... this seems to suggest that removing the links in not-to-be-followed links is better than just slapping them with a no-follow.

Dr.S.P.Padmaprasad [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

This is helpful. Thanks. But we need some more information in this matter

Jaan Kanellis [PersonRank 3]

15 years ago #

No updates from Google?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Matt Cutts has now written a post on PageRank sculpting:

He confirms that yes, you can't increase the PR of remaining links if you make say half of them nofollow. He also mentions how it might not be a good idea to nofollow most outgoing links, because just as Google would punish links to a bad neighborhood, they may reward links to good sites.

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

> He also mentions how it might not be a good idea
> to nofollow most outgoing links

It doesn't seem to have done any harm to the ranking of sites like Wikipedia and WiseGeek that nofollow all outgoing links on their article pages.

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