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New Gmail features ?

Cédric [PersonRank 1]

Thursday, April 29, 2010
14 years ago5,185 views

que [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Good find! It sure seems to be new features. The left nav bar seems to save a little vertical space between the gadgets. Also, it looks like a rich text signature in that reply too? And: Insert Photo option.

It's interesting that they show the sponsored links in the email. You'd think being an employee, they wouldn't them.

The other non-Gmail thing I noticed was the browser. Assuming its Chrome, the tabs seem square-ish (vertical) on the ends instead of angled like they are now. Also, there is no address/nav bar or bookmark bar below the tabs. I know you can hide the bookmark bar, but no address bar?

sryo [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

That's Firefox on a mac, hence the square tabs and no addressbar (it's above the tabs, not below).

que [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

OIC. Haven't used FF in a while.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Well done Cédric

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Here are some higher quality pics from the 720p version of this video:

This first one can be found in the video at 41:12

And this second one can be found in the video at 34:22

Cédric [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

Thanks Tom.

This video is very interesting. You have a demo of the next multi-user video Chat in the Google Talk Gadget @ 30:04

Cédric [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Here's another version of the "Magic Inbox" at 17:02 in the video...

This one has "Magic Inbox" listed above the main "Inbox" label:

JEShack [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

The video is now private. [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Nice :-) Then Cédric and Mbegin were just in time. Also I made screenshots from the video today.

Cédric [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago # ;)

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