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German Guy Wants to Photograph Those Buildings People Want to Exclude from Google Street View  (View post)

David [PersonRank 0]

Thursday, August 19, 2010
14 years ago18,556 views

“we must apply the same rules as we do in the real world. Our right to take panoramic snapshots, for instance, or to take photographs in public spaces, both base laws which determine that one may photograph those things that are visible from public streets and places.”

Hear, hear.

Jay Reed [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

How dare people look at my house on the internet while I tweet about the shit I just took in the restroom I checked into on 4sqbookwalla places! I am so going to blog about this tomorrow!

Mushyrulez [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

I totally agree. If we can already see yar house from ta outside, what's ta point of "hiding" it from google? WE CAN ALREADY SEE IT, FA GOD'S SAKES.

If ya don't want to be seen then don't own a house. BECAUSE YA ARE GOING TA BE SEEN AND GOOGLE DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TA DO WITH THAT :V

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I don't know if the rules are the same in Germany, but as long as remember in France you can't take a picture of a house *if it's the main subject of the picture*. It's even worse if you want to make money with the picture.
Google Street View is legal because no house is the main subject.

Wingi [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

[put at-character here]Tom: In germany you can makek photos of building if you are on non-private ground and no person is the main subject of the picture. Google free offers the removal option of private buildings vom street view – there is no law agains making photos from public ground.

QDTphotog [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

I commend that German photographer for trying to make the obvious, uh, more obvious. They should sell their houses and go live in a cave if they don't want to be seen/photographed in public.

imma [PersonRank 3]

14 years ago #

Awesome :-)

In France would it be ok as you are taking a picture of the gap in street view – the photo's aren't house-aligned anyway, it's at most just a co-incidence a specific house is included

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

The whole "main subject of a picture" is really hard to define in the web age. We got similar laws in Germany for certain things but once you apply hivemind-finding mechanisms, you talk about something different (people can get together to find odd stuff in thousands of pics, then promote that odd stuff into blogs etc., for instance... so the "main subject" changes with the perspective it's being given through republications). And just today I was thinking, what happens if you have near endless, super high quality zoom for Street View? Whenever someone would be holding up a picture of something, you could zoom in, crop, and have a near perfect replica... so what if something the person was holding up is "copyrighted" (as in old school copyright)?

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

From 4 weeks to 8 weeks now.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

How one would wish the German gov't would be more concerned about, say, building a nation wide fast free Wifi and other ways to support net workers, instead of putting forth general unspecified concerns to keep people & media happy without risking to challenge having a Street View for Germany (as that might anger others), and then trying to save face over details like granting a longer house-blur deadline (which I'm sure Google happily gives in to, as it won't change anything substantial at all).

Jay [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

Some germans are very strict about anything related to priavcy and personal data, which is, obviously, related to the countries past. Gestapo and Staatssicherheit were geman inventions. Others simply don't know anything about Streetview, but ist sounds kind of fishy for them or teh ythink its kind of a live-strem.
And of course most of them just don't trust Google. They did something stupid some month ago and it raised a hell of a lot suspicion

Jen [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

This guy is going to get attacked for violating people's privacy and going directly against specific requests they made to have photographs removed. Tell him to go to the US into the deep South and see how far he gets with his plan. Not very far. It really sounds like he is just trying to make a name for himself, maybe since he has not been a very successful IT consultant or photographer.

[no signatures allowed here ~ hebbet]

Jack Nash [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

We are selling our privacy and safety in exchange for convenience.

Ivan [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

In Russia, the buildings photograph YOU.

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