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Larry Page to Become Google's CEO

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, January 20, 2011
13 years ago8,486 views

<< Larry will now lead product development and technology strategy, his greatest strengths, and starting from April 4 he will take charge of our day-to-day operations as Google’s Chief Executive Officer. In this new role I know he will merge Google’s technology and business vision brilliantly. I am enormously proud of my last decade as CEO, and I am certain that the next 10 years under Larry will be even better! Larry, in my clear opinion, is ready to lead. >>

A S [PersonRank 3]

13 years ago #

Hope to see some dynamic things at Google in 2011 as a result of this change.

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

Ionut you was faster :)

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

George R [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #


Eric Schmidt has announced that he will be giving up his position as Google CEO but retain the position of executive chairman. Larry Page will be the new CEO.

"Larry will now lead product development and technology strategy, his greatest strengths, and starting from April 4 he will take charge of our day-to-day operations as Google’s Chief Executive Officer."

Why April 4? I thought that Google had a tradition of introducing new things on April 1.

drtimofey [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

This is the beginning of a Google fail.

Eric had years of experience in his field. Sergey is smart as heck, and if I'm not mistaken, he wrote most of the original Google code. Larry? Who is Larry? He originated from a family full of nerds... and unarguably has enough to be a nerdy laborer.... but no way can he lead a company... no way!

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

Sergey Brin keeps cool.

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

This is very odd. I can't help thinking that something happened "behind the scenes" to trigger this. By any measure, Schmidt has been a great CEO.

Maybe Larry thinks he can be like Google's version of Steve Jobs.

David Mulder [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

Its probably related to the fact that Google has been becoming more and more like microsoft in recent years and if they continue this trend they will not be able to 'win' in the long term to put it that way. As @drtimofey describes, Larry is a nerd, and Google has been losing this innovative touch and has been becoming more and more a main stream revenue directed company, so by placing a 'nerd' on top this might cause them to actually innovate. Whether its going to work, I am not sure, but I dont think that *that* much will change behind the scenes, as both of them probably will keep working on there own areas, but we will see what the consequences will be.

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

> by placing a 'nerd' on top this might cause them to actually innovate

I think a nerd at the top means more products like Knol and Wave.

David Mulder [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

>> I think a nerd at the top means more products like Knol and Wave.
Yep, and google chrome, google docs, self-driving cars and more 'weird' stuff which financially doesn't make sense yet. Even if 9 out of 10 products fail, it might in the long term mean that that single 1 product which might become a success was worth it. Once again, whether it will work out, no clue, but I don't think its purely a bad thing.

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

"Was Eric Schmidt pushed or did he jump?" [PersonRank 10]

13 years ago #

Well he can't go, he made the promise to work with Larry and Sergey until 2024.

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