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Dilbert-Author Pulls Post on Crocodile Hunter  (View post)

/pd [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, September 6, 2006
18 years ago7,822 views

on the other side, we have a post from Jason (AOL) – which created some bad vibes too ...

Jason comments that " I honestly feel that the climate the Discovery channel has created and is causing these deaths–and there isn’t just one. "

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Mathew, thinks Jason Calanis is a Troll!! :)-

Ryan [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

what an insensitive bastard.. death aint funny no matter who dies.

stupidity? that's funny as hell.. but not death.

I've never liked Scott Adams ever since he started putting popups on dilbert.

not only that.. in the blogging world it's very bad ettiquitte to pull a post after it's been commented.

In fact, I've blogged about that...

Missy [PersonRank 4]

18 years ago #

Calacanis and Adams are both a very special brand of idiot – they've got a place to shoot their mouths off (without benefit of someone reminding them to THINK first) to make themselves feel important, and never once consider just how stupid they sound. Ungh.

Steve Irwin was wrestling crocodiles before Discovery Channel ever came into existence – his father took him out when he was EIGHT to teach him how to catch and tag them. Considering that his parents were the founders of Australia Zoo, his passion for the critters and his desire to teach people about them in an attention getting and fascinating way should come as no surprise.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Ryan your spot on with the : "you're a coward as far as the blogging community goes. Ask anybody, you never pull a post after it creates controversy. It's just not what bloggers do."

I totally agree with what you wrote . bloggers would have been a little kinder if Adam had to say a "mea cupla" post!!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

On a related note, Steve Irvin's homepage is down, apparently due to traffic.

David W [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

I kind of agree with Scott Adams, not that Steve Irwin's death is anything to laugh about, but Darwin would have seen it coming from a long shot. That scene where he was feeding the crocodiles while holding his son is still burned in my mind.

Splasho [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

"death aint funny no matter who dies."

I'm sorry but I really don't think that's true. Death can be very funny and it's morbid and depressing if we're not prepared to laugh at it. I came across Graham Chapman's memorial ( recently, which is a good example in my opinion.

Jeff Jonez [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

Steve always took chances, and he would be the first to laugh at the way he went.. but the man deserves respect for his contributions to and honest love of nature, and a few dolts just don't get that.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Splasho: A humorous Eulogy in no ways takes away the raw emotions of grief and pain on another loved one passing on. That's human nature and to go against that grain of the human instinct- does not make a person human.

Thus, the "being" then transcends into a void wherein which, the luany bin seems a more appropriate place to inhabitant!!

alek [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

crocidilehunter loaded for me Philipp ... but I'm kinda surprised they don't have more of an acknowledgement there about the recent unfortunate event.

Alberto [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

It's not showing in the Yahoo cache anymore. What was Scott's take on things?

Splasho [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

"Splasho: A humorous Eulogy in no ways takes away the raw emotions of grief and pain on another loved one passing on. That's human nature and to go against that grain of the human instinct- does not make a person human."

I doubt Scott Adams would call Steve Irwin a 'loved one'. I don't think every human being on the planet needs to greve Steve Irwin's death.

Hashim [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

if Adams made a mistake, and decided to delete it, why drudge it back up? Why punish him, via a serch engine cache?

pokemo [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Yahoo cache is empty...

Google cache is available...

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

==>"think every human being on the planet needs to greve Steve Irwin's death."

Agreed. Not body grieves for everyone, human dignity in death and life is an imperative and yes Eulogy can be funny like you mentioned, but nowhere does it strip the dignity of the human persona away..

Not sure, why Yahoo's cache disappeared, so as a precaution have added the screen scrap here's off the googles cache..!!

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

It was a funny post. Steve Irwin would have wanted people to make jokes about his death – he was that kind of guy.

I'm sorry Scott Adams felt he had to pull the post (presumably because of a public backlash).

mb [PersonRank 2]

18 years ago #

Once the Google cache is gone, Adams' post will still be preserved forever in dozens of blogs.

Just search for the terms [crikey "crazy seal"].

Would have been much classier to do a strikeout with an honest explanation.

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

And if you want to see just how unconventional Steve Irwin was, just watch this video of him feeding crocodiles whilst holding his baby children.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Poignantly, the clip ends with Steve saying "If I had my time again, perhaps I'd do things differently."

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Sorry, try this link instead:

pk_synths [PersonRank 2]

18 years ago #

"And if you want to see just how unconventional Steve Irwin was, just watch this video of him feeding crocodiles whilst holding his baby children."

Everyone makes mistakes and mistakes should not erase lifelong contributions.

Mathilde [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

Personally I didnt like Steve Irwin, I hit the mute on my remote when I saw him. His voice.... ydrk!

Brinke Guthrie [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

What Adams did was in poor taste. Shame on him.

Loughlan Burnett [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

here is a copy of the post:

I was shocked when I heard the news that the Crocodile Hunter died in a “freak stingray accident.” I had ten dollars bet on “misjudged the speed of a crocodile.” Something tells me that the media already had his obituary written with a fill-in-the-blank for the specific creature that killed him.

Readers of the Dilbert Blog know that I believe death is not a laughing matter, unless the guy who gets killed is in the process of bothering dangerous animals. And by “animals” I include all manner of aquatic, flying, stinging, clawing, bitey things. When someone gets killed doing that sort of thing, it’s a good lesson for the kids. I think it lends credibility when you tell them not to pet strange dogs that are foaming at the mouth. “Don’t pet that dog, Timmy. If you do, you might be killed by an entirely different animal that is not normally considered dangerous. Remember the Crocodile Hunter.”

I remind you that the Crocodile Hunter is the same guy who in 2004 famously fed wild crocodiles with one hand while holding his infant son in the other. Just be glad the Croc Hunter didn’t have triplets because you know he would have tried juggling them.

It seems weird to me that the stingray that got him is now the world’s most famous aquatic creature and doesn’t even know it. He’s probably floating around eating kelp or whatever-the-hell stingrays eat, oblivious to the fact that he’s as famous as O.J. I hope he gets a book deal because I’d like to hear his side of the story. I realize that stingrays have brains the size of a dried raisin, but that doesn’t stop athletes from writing books. All you need is a good co-author.

STINGRAY: “Well, I was minding my own business, eating kelp or whatever-the-hell I eat, when this guy jumps in the water and yells ‘Crikey!’ like a crazy seal. So I killed him and then hired a co-author who is both handsome and talented. You will find his contact information in the back of this well-written book.”

Loughlan Burnett [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

I do believe it was a wise choice deleting the post.
Us primative Australians get angered quite easily.
Plus there are tons of pointy sticks over here.

Bruce L. Thiessen, aka Dr. BLT [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Some things are better left unsaid. I'm sad that Steve Irwin is dead. However, I wanted us all to celebrate his life instead of simply feeling sad, so I wrote this song:

Crocodile Hunter
words and music by Dr. Bruce L. Thiessen, aka Dr. BLT c 2006

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