Google's Kirkland Office (Video)
(View post)Mambo ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | Thursday, November 23, 2006 18 years ago • 6,266 views |
I watched this video, and I think Robert really struggled to find the right questions.
Then he later admits that "it's pretty boring looking around a software company" – how rude is that? They've just taken up some of their time, then he goes and spits on their shoes!
He seemed to almost ignore Steve Yegge quite a lot as well, even though he was the most interesting of the two. Odd.
I hope that backs-up why I think Robert needs to improve his social skills. No offence to him, though. Congratulations on becoming a blogger for a living :-)
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Does he have someone holding the camera though? If he manages to walk backwards, talk AND hold the camera, that gets my respect!
One thing to consider: in some ways, the more interesting the question, the more likely Google employees won't be able to answer it... I bet the only one not having to think a whole lot about all the stuff NOT to say was the chef. |
Elias Kai ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Engineers – cool video – google massage chair with Japanese instructions. Doubled in size – 20 to Google maps, video, talk, The area has a lot of smart people. In seatlle , they got doctor , nutritions , Damn a massage room. Wall of Fame and a chef and some indian foods. They did music trends on their 20 % of their time.But one thing I do not agree with when they say that great things comes from engineers. hmm :( Why don't you leave and start up your own stuff ?
Haochi ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Some highlights: * Google massage chair – with all-Japanese instruction (1:05) * Hallway-full of food (2:12) * Secret Google room (2:54) * Cabinets of Google schwags (3:30) * Google Massage Room (3:49) * Google’s Wall of Fame (6:10) * Google Cafeteria (7:05) * Meet the Chef (7:25) * Google Pumpkin (9:13) * Google uses C++, Java, and Python(11:18) * Talk about the 20% time (12:06)
Do you guys noticed that there are two guys following the Googlers? First Appearance: (0:48 – 0:54) 2. (1:08 – 1:33) 3. (2:56) 4.(3:35) 5.(4:27) 6.(6:23) 7.(9:54)
I can be some investigators! :D
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Yeah, for a brief second I was wondering "hmm, there's the dude with the long hair again". Maybe he's hired to shoot anyone on the spot who starts to reveal secret company information :) |
/pd ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
"One thing to consider: in some ways, the more interesting the question, the more likely Google employees won't be able to answer it"
Them two dudes are the security .. :)- |
JohnMoo ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
One of them is Steve Lacey. |
JohnMoo ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
See |
Robert Scoble ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Yup, one of them was Buzz Bruggeman, CEO of ActiveWords, who was driving me around that day (he also shows up in some of my Microsoft videos) and the other one was Steve Lacey who works on Google Video. Used to work on Microsoft's Flight Simulator team. He's a friend and wanted to meet up with me. |
Robert Scoble ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Philipp, I am doing all my own camera and audio work. Yes, I walk backward while trying to hold a conversation, keep the audio at a decent level, keep it framed up, and try to be spatially aware so I can get some secret stuff (you noticed I got close when I started talking about multiple monitors and they moved me along). |
Robert Scoble ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Mambo: you took what I was trying to say out of context.
Software companies ARE boring to walk around compared to, say, the Boeing factory. Why? The real work is done by people typing into computers. How boring.
As for how I was treating Steve, well, sorry about that. I tried to point the camera at the person who had the most to say and Steve was usually the quieter of the two. Maybe a different interview format, or interviewer, would have been better for Steve. I'm usually able to get anyone going, but had trouble with Steve for some reason. |
Robert Scoble ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
As to finding the questions, well, there's some stuff that didn't make it on camera. It was pretty clear this was a recruiting tour and wouldn't be going into any depth. I asked several questions in an interview segment and didn't get anything that hasn't already been talked about in public and they just weren't willing to give me more than the usual PR-cleansed answers so I just stayed away from questions like that that I know would just get a "can't answer that." What point does that serve. In other interviews, like the ones with the Google Reader team, we get a lot better depth.
The two Google Reader videos are here:
Robert Scoble ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
I have more than 70 videos done in the past two months. More than 45 companies:
Hey, Mambo, where's your video blog where you get inside 45 companies and talk to their CEOs? Yeah, I have no social skills... |
JohnMoo ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Thanks for your comments, Robert. |
TOMHTML ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
The "MOV" video crashes Firefox 2 :-S Is this video present anywhere else on the net, on Google Video for example ? |
Ionut Alex. Chitu ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Download it and play it with QuickTime. |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
The videos played fine here... did you try right-clicking to save Tom? |
TOMHTML ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
That's what I'm doing (65 MB, even with DSL, it's long ^^). But it strange that Firefox is completely KO cause of MOV videos... |
Mambo ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Hi Robert. First of all: apologies. I didn't mean it to be a truly personal comment... I know it's hard to wonder why "you need to improve your social skills" can't not be taken personally, but I mean it. I'm not disrespecting your work.
The interview was sincerely interesting – it must have been because I've watched it all the way through, twice. It just felt like quite an uneasy interview in some places.
God, I feel sick. I didn't expect such a backlash. I'm honestly not the kind of guy to come on here and start slagging you off for the sake of it. I'm an inexperienced student designer, that you should rightfully take no notice of.
And... sorry to Philipp for using the GB forums as a lexical battleground. |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
> But it strange that Firefox is completely > KO cause of MOV videos...
FF2.0 tends to crash a lot, I've noticed. Sigh. |
Ionut Alex. Chitu ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Scoble's videos are interesting, but he definitely needs to find a better hosting solution. Maybe he doesn't like Google Video's quality, but Soapbox is really good. It's easier to watch videos this way and image quality is not essential. |
TOMHTML ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
There is a complete tour of the French Google office in Paris, by a famous French Blogger called Loic Le Meur (creator of TypePad) |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
I really like how you can first download the full video and then enjoy it in good quality, in your own player, and potentially cut smaller parts to quote. I prefer this to YouTube when it comes to longer material (as opposed to smaller joke videos), but I realize many prefer YouTube's browser-based streaming.
Mambo, thanks for getting back here, you deserve credit for that honest apology! I think we've all been there that we say something that somehow would've sounded very different if we'd realize the person would come across our comment... |
Haochi ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
<FF2.0 tends to crash a lot, I've noticed. Sigh.> Just crashed one sec after clicking the Tom's link to Google Video... Fortunately it comes with a "restore session" feature. |
/pd ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Ionut, I think Podtech has an issue with hosting videos on Google because they "don’t let you keep control of your intellectual property. "
yeah I agree with the hosting Solutions.. I nearly gave up on the download too .. |
Ionut Alex. Chitu ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
<<don’t let you keep control of your intellectual property>>
Google doesn't own the copyright for videos uploaded at Google Video. |
/pd ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Ionut : I'll leave that to PodTech and Robert to explain :)- |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
When you upload to Google Video, you don't give up your copyright (you only give Google the right to distribute the video), though it does somewhat suggest you are OK with sharing with any site that wants to embed the content with the video player... |
Ionut Alex. Chitu ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
<<somewhat suggest you are OK with sharing with any site that wants to embed the content with the video player>>
You can disable that in the settings. You can also disable comments, ratings, download. |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
What's this Panda doing in the Google France Sales Office? |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
>> somewhat suggest you are OK with sharing >> with any site that wants to embed the content >> with the video player > > You can disable that in the settings. You can > also disable comments, ratings, download.
But Robert Scoble still would want to embed the player on his own site, right? To display the ads that help finance (?) the show. Is that possible, to allow only some sites?
In any case, I guess the Google upload terms will still force you to agree to giving Google a non-exclusive right to redistribute this movie if you want to upload your stuff, and that you will always end up having Google show the video on their site (similar to YouTube). Maybe a better solution would be to include the sponsors right into the video, at the beginning or end... |
Robert Scoble ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 18 years ago # |
We're looking at a number of Flash-based solutions. Giving Google the right to distribute your content MEANS giving up control of where that content is used. What happens if Google starts a "YouTube TV show?" Will they pay me for using my video? No, cause I've already said Google can distribute it however they would like.
Also, ads are coming to Google soon. What kind of control will I have over the advertising? Can I turn down an advertiser that I don't like? What will be my revenue share?
Another thing, YouTube and Google video's quality is far less than what I'm currently putting up. Is that a good tradeoff? Finally, I want people to subscribe to my RSS feed and download all my shows, does Google video make an RSS feed? Do I have control of that?
But, there are changes coming by the end of the year to ScobleShow.
Mambo: thanks, appreciate that. I probably took in the wrong way, that's the problem with ASCII text, too cold and inflexible. |
Elias Kai ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
Sorry for the engineer and videocam guys, I had to include this:
It is 16:00 in Stockholm now and it is friday 24th november 2006 and I will drink glögg now
Try to play the video again and pause it at 0:00:13 I just found those keywords when I zoomed the video, :) interesting
2 chinese or japanese keywords alaska einwohner ryan parry lotus notes html emails finance questions yfa malvern
TOMHTML ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 18 years ago # |
"We get back this from the World Cup... we participate to the European Cup in Berlin this year". |