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Shaun Robinson [PersonRank 1]

Monday, July 4, 2005
19 years ago

Also, have you noticed, the URL has changed from:


Do you know if there's any way to make Google think you're from Germany? I would love a @googlemail address as well as my gmail!

Dominik Schwind [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

I just tested that and found that and send to the same account.

I oppened a new "googlemail"-account and tested it with and vice versa and both works fine.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Shaun, I think if you use a German proxy (try that search in Google, take an IP, and put it into your browser internet connection options...), Google will think you're from here...

nicholas kane [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

help please:
this probably sounds brain dead but i can't remember the gmail account name i set up ages ago!
   i click on change password on gmail and it sends a mail to my yahoo account to let me do so, but doesn't tell me what my gmail account name is. how do i find out?
nicholasjoekane[put at-character here]

nicholas kane [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

help please:
this probably sounds brain dead but i can't remember the gmail account name i set up ages ago!
   i click on change password on gmail and it sends a mail to my yahoo account to let me do so, but doesn't tell me what my gmail account name is. how do i find out?
nicholasjoekane[put at-character here]

Nicholas Kane [PersonRank 1]

19 years ago #

My name is nicholas kane aswell. I am 14 and I live in Scotland, where do you live and what age are you?
e-mail me at nick.1990[put at-character here]

Caleb E [PersonRank 10]

19 years ago #

Too bad its not Nicholas Cage

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