Ghost Sites uncovers some forgotten memorabilia (Kozmo was a hyped dot-com boom site which died when the bubble burst – its all preserved in a documentary which you can buy & watch online, by the way).
Stefan Kühn of the University of Trier makes available German-language geodata as XML file to be imported into Google Earth, Heise reports.
Over at Google Answers, Researcher Crabcakes details the wonders of being a baby in the womb. [Via Best of Google Answers.]
Busmonster mixes Seattle bus data with Google Maps.
If you’re not in the US, you might miss some of the special celebration logos for 4th of July (on this day in 1776, the US claimed their independence from Britain to “give birth to Democracy”). Yahoo goes with a simple small flag on top of the logo, Butler Jeeves of is lighting a sparkler next to the American flag (it looks like he’s almost setting it on fire), and the Google logo is colored in red-white-blue, with a golden bell spelling the second “o”.
According to German Heise, Google ceases to hand out emails with the extension “” in Germany. Instead, new users will get a “” address. Heise quotes Google saying existing “” emails will not change in Germany. [Thanks Fabian U.]
For all those who missed it, Google Earth can be downloaded again (Google briefly stopped the download). [Via Shaun Robinson in the forum.]
Update: Caleb notes it’s closed again.
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