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Digg Users Revolt  (View post)

Martin Porcheron [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, May 3, 2007
17 years ago4,783 views

It's about time these corporations started to work with the users instead of against them and then maybe things like the Digg revolt wont happen.

Attempting to surpress information has been the biggest mistake in this whole series of events. Had the community being left to its own devices (with the license) then none of this would be as public as it has become.

I mean, really, who were they kidding? The internet is founded on openness (except for the odd country, eg. China) and trying to do a blanket ban on certain content was clearly doomed to fail before the first C&D letter was sent. Especially when the request was unjust.

mrbene [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Justice? Hah! It's not justice when a string of 16 hex values is considered intellectual property. Here's the tin foil hattery though – it's eminently good timing. This key has been public knowledge since January and was changed late April. All HD DVDs created since then use a different key. Now that there are hundreds of thousands of pages with "HD DVD Key" and the old value, it'll be more difficult to propagate the new key, once it's discovered.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

What really surprise's me is that this story has been unfolding here in the forum and creating discussions for quite some time. (like over 4/5 days!!)

Now, all of a sudden when Digg reverts their stance, A-listers and MSM's blog about it!!

JohnMu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

What is the real new item from that?
- publishing proprietary information on the web (been there, done that)?
- having a large/popular site disrespect the law (+/-) (ditto)?
- having a website owner cave in on demands from the users (ditto)?

or is it just that diggers acted like diggers with regard to digg? sigh.

Dan H. [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

I watched this unfold over the past few days and am astounded at the speed with which it erupted. Last night it reached a point where one would have been hard pressed to find a link directing towards something other than those now infamous characters.

What I find especially fascinating however, is the concept of the "revolt" in the first place. The idea that hundreds of thousands of users, situated on every corner of the globe, were capable of organizing a protest that ultimately forced a private company to change its policies is remarkable. It makes one wonder if this sort of spontaneous revolution could happen again, perhaps to sites other than Digg. The community quickly located a weak spot and pounced to assume de facto control.

Who knows, maybe this could be the beginning of a new wave of web based social revolutions.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[Edit: Added Ludwik's poem.]

Rohit Srivastwa [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

And the best part is count in Google results

Few hours before this posting it was 337,000
Few minutes before it was 492,000
& now it has gone above 559,000

jf [PersonRank 5]

17 years ago #

ny times

song on youtube:

stefan2904 [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Yea, a realy funny thing ;)

Conor Cleary [PersonRank 8]

17 years ago #

weird.. i saw this code about 2 days before digg got hold of it and i thhought nothing of it... i could have been the one to digg it ahah :(

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

<<Bloggers who posted links to a software key that would unlock the copy protection on some high-definition DVDs have been threatened with legal action.

The entertainment industry-backed consortium which developed the protection said that it was looking at “technical and legal tools” to confront bloggers who made the key available, saying they had “crossed the line.”

The 32-digit key appeared widely on the internet this week, including in a YouTube video and on T-shirts, and many bloggers considered publishing it as an exercise in free speech, one alluding to Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.>>

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