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Monday, December 12, 2005

The Zero Dollar Homepage

Every other day, my forum is spammd with links to new and “creative” takes on the Million Dollar Homepage (which was original, and made its creator rich). Certainly I’m the one to blame because a while ago, I reported on spin-offs. I’m now launching a counter spin-off of my own: The Zero Dollar Homepage. It’s not the first Million Dollar Homepage, and it’s not even the first Zero Dollar Homepage, but it’s still very different from all the other sites.

What Did I Search For Game

[Games for the Brain]

New at Games for the Brain is What Did I Search For?, in which you have to guess the search term by only looking at the Google results page which has the word blanked.

Conversations Are King

Tish says in blogs, conversations (not content) are king.

Martin’s Dinner With the Google Co-Founders

Martin Varsavsky says he’s had dinner with Larry Page and Sergey Brin... and has an anecdote to tell of what happened. [Thanks Dimitar Vesselinov.]

Google Catalogs Redesign

Google Catalogs had a face-lift and now looks much more like Google Book Search, Dan N. lets us know.

Googleplex Photos

Dirson pointed me to the photo set of Martin Varsavsky, who recently visited the Googleplex.

Update: As Brinke points out, some of the photos have been removed in the meantime. A few links to Flickr at Dirson’s post still work.

Wikipedia Class Action Lawsuit?

This story won’t end. Now in reaction to the Seigenthaler case on Wikipedia, there’s a class action lawsuit collecting similar cases. However, this might as well be a prank of its own – the site looks rather amateurish, including the copied logo and the AdSense. The site says it wants to “[e]xpose the inherent faults and flaws of the Wikipedia online encyclopedia” and make Wikipedia change their actions (and other sites too, after the precedent has been established). The site goes on to say that though the wrong information in the Seigenthaler case was eventually removed, that was only “after more than four months anguish and hard work by Seigenthaler.” Gee, he could’ve clicked the Edit button... if anything, right now I want Wikipedia to change their policy when they disallow people from editing content which is about their own person (one cannot be objective about oneself, as they put it), because doing so they kind of admit people need to do it the hard way. [Via Digg.]

Google Can’t Subtract

Rob Gale says Google can’t subtract and sends along the following calculation: 1 - 0.9 - 0.1, which results in -2.77555756 × 10-17.


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