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Saturday, January 7, 2006

Google Pack Live

Google’s software bundle Google Pack is now live. The package includes the following:

To install Google Pack, you need Windows XP (Mac users have reason to be mildly annoyed). The installation runs via the “Google Updater,” which unfortunately deems itself important enough to hop into your Windows tray (you can disable it, of course).

What’s interesting is that you can remove any of the Google Pack components straight on the homepage. I removed everything except the screensaver, agreed to the ToS, and downloaded the initial small “Google Pack Installer.exe.” The 800k screensaver worked nice enough (it’s just a simple utility which you can configure to slide different folders with pictures on your computer, using 3 different visual effects). Note that some of the components listed above may only be visible once you ran the Google Updater once.

As for the rest of the bundle; well, many of you might already own these, as there’s nothing new to be found. I suppose Google Pack is directed either at users who are not that familiar with Google yet, or sysadmins looking for a good pre-installer to add to naked systems.

If you want to see your own favorite software be part of the Google Pack, you can submit your wish in Google’s “Suggest software" form.

[Thanks to everyone in the forum!]


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