“A Detroit teenager is back at home tonight after running off to the Middle East to meet a man she met online,” CBNNews writes. 16-year old Katherine Lester, a MySpace user, went off to meet a Palestinian man living in the West Bank, “one of the most dangerous places in the world,” as CBNNews puts it. (Of course, the two could’ve met anywhere, but I think online chat and dating sites/ social networks are truly blurring borders. What will that mean for the world in 10, 20 years, when more and more couples will be cross-national? For starters, the current policy of some countries of allowing only one passport, or complications in foreign work permits, don’t make much sense in that context. But the effect could be far bigger than passport or employment policies...) [Via Spiegel.]
It looks like Google’s Marissa Mayer is a workaholic (scroll down for the time-line). She works from 9am to 11:15pm, and then visits the Googleplex gym... [Thanks Tadeusz.]
Garett Rogers found a new Google site at google.com/call... is this related to a Google Talk VoIP feature? The call page, at the moment, returns only an XML file with a “call_id” element...
Google Video shows this weekends’s “eliminate digital rights management” protest in front of Apple stores.
Ronaldinho plays in a bunch of Google Videos (including commercials, some fake).
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RightReading.com has an article discussing “what if historical figures had been webmasters?” Buddha would’ve had a PageRank 10 website and his philosophy would be:
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