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Monday, August 28, 2006

Google Apps for Your Domain Released

Today Google released Google Apps for Your Domain (aka Google Hosted Communications Services), a site targeted at sysadmins who want to provide Google tools to their company. After signing up, you can provide your users with Gmail, Google Page Creator, Google Talk and Google Calendar. This includes running email addresses on your domain, or using your own logo for some of the services.

Google writes:

Google Apps for Your Domain simplifies account administration with an easy-to-use control panel just for administrators. Now you can offer your users Google applications such as email, IM, calendar and more with little investment, or effort.

Manage - Add, update, and delete user accounts, aliases, and email lists.
Customize - Create a user interface tailored to your organization’s needs.
Review - Monitor your domain, and easily access user activity statistics.

Previously, Gmail was already available as Gmail for Your Domain, which now redirects to the new Google Apps page.

The discussion started in the forum.

[Thanks iZeitgeist, Manoj Nahar and Haochi.]


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