A map of Google services
(View post)Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | Monday, July 2, 2007 17 years ago • 7,528 views |
Hi! I would like to show you the map that I made for Zorgloob showing the links between more than 100 Google services.
Because it's a 4617x1501 png picture, I dont put the picture in this forum, it would be a disaster for the interface ;)
To see it, just clic the picture in this article : http://www.zorgloob.com/2007/07/google-en-bref-en-une-image.asp
Fell free to comment in english below the article.
Rohit Srivastwa ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Nice one Keep it updated |
Colin Colehour ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
There is a Grand Central icon in that graphic. That isn't 100% confirmed by either party as being part of Google. |
Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Ok, I will remove the Grand central Icon.
I will add missing Chinese and Russian services today. |
TOMHTML ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Three more links and everething change :-)
Just one thing, dear Canadian colleague, I'm not sure there is a link between Search History & AdSense, but I'm sure there is one between Search History & AdWords.
With a so big image, Google could print it and paste it on their masterplan in Mountain View office :-) |
Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
I made some changes and modify services names to make the map more readable. But size is increasing : 5920x1640 ~713 ko |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
This is very interesting. It would be immensely interesting to have this be a (clickable) imagemap. You could connect each product icon to the respective product, and each line to the product relationship with the other product (e.g. I might not know what's the connection from Google Maps to the Google Toolbar, as shown). Perhaps to save some time, this could all point to a Google search (e.g. for ["google toolbar" "google maps"] and so on). |
stefan2904 ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
yea, and color-change on mouseover to highlight a line would also be great ;-) |
Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Tanks for your comments!
I just made it with Graphviz – Dot, but i'm building a new Zorgloob service called "Zorgloob Logiciels" (Zorgloob softwares in english), it will provide an interface to show links between services : for exemple, when you click Google Maps, you will see a short description of the service, all caracteristics, feedback from readers (comments, evaluations), and all the services connected with a description of the connection (using the same database I used for the map).
My goal for this map is to find a way to make a dynamic graph using MySQL database and AJAX. If someone know such software/API/Script, please tell me!!
You can contact me using Zorgloob contact form (http://www.zorgloob.com/contact.php) if you have any question/suggestion about this project |
Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Ok, I found a way to make a clickable one with dot! Both services and links will be clickable.
I will post here an update when it will be available. |
Haochi ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
<<This is very interesting. It would be immensely interesting to have this be a (clickable) imagemap.>> I have been working on this since last night!!! |
James Xuan ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
<<There is a Grand Central icon in that graphic. That isn't 100% confirmed by either party as being part of Google.>> Is Now! WOOOOW! (pronounced wuuu) |
Mambo ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
I've been planning on doing a similar thing, but showing how Google could get from over 100 products to no more than 6, through merging related products. I've been working on the code for a while, but I gave up last week! |
Philipp Lenssen ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
I've played with something similar using a Java visualizer earlier this month, but stopped in the middle because it became a mess... but if anyone wants to see/ play around with the sample Java files:
http://blogoscoped.com/temp/temp-graph.zip |
Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
A clickable version of the map is now available (http://logiciels.zorgloob.com/graphe.php) as the new Zorgloob database of Google services (http://logiciels.zorgloob.com/) |
Above 15 comments were made in the forum before this was blogged,
Jyaif ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 17 years ago # |
There should be a link between Google Talk and Google Code, because some of Google Talk's code is available on Google Code (libjingle for instance) |
Michael Zimmer ![[PersonRank 1] [PersonRank 1]](image/postrank/1.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Query: what constitutes a "link"? Interaction between the products at the interface level? What about sharing of usage data from one product to another? Is that represented as well? |
Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Links will be, in the future, clikable too and it will show a description of the link. Maybe an English version will be made after. |
Chair ![[PersonRank 0] [PersonRank 0]](image/postrank/0.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Check it out, I scanned all of Luka's work and linked it via IBM's Many Eyes protocol.
http://services.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/view/SxcVgHsOtha6W-kU1jcgH2- |
Mambo ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Wow! That is brilliant! Well done Chair. |
TOMHTML ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Good jo.b Chair, be careful, Luka often updates his map ;) |
Luka ![[PersonRank 10] [PersonRank 10]](image/postrank/10.gif) | 17 years ago # |
Wahooo! I wish I could have coded my map like this! Good Work Chair! |