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Google For iPhone Update  (View post)

stefan2904 [PersonRank 10]

Monday, January 14, 2008
16 years ago7,011 views

hm... i like the more on my ipod then the mobile gmail...

daveH [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

i like the updates.
i just don't like that i am only seeing one calendar right now, and i'm not seeing how to add events.

hebbet [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

[Moved from "Gmail on iPhone" – Tony]

Google released a new iPhone Gmail:

Mark M [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

I don't want to give away my google acct password to meebo. So if meebo can implement jabber for the iphone, why can't google implement their gtalk/aim gateway client for it? It's certainly not hard, the implementation is essentially already done.

Win [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Seems like Google's abandoning Windows mobile users for Blackberry and iPhone/Android. Sucks.

Rodrigo Costa [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

I agree with MarkM... Google account password its a serios business... and if you also have Google adsense, it become even more serious...

Bill Mac [PersonRank 9]

16 years ago #

I haven't looked too far into this, but if someone could clear things up, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Google mentions iPhone Calendar now has "month view", something that is apparently lacking in the full web version. However, and I don't use Calendar nearly enough to know if this is new or if I'm simply confused, when I check out the full web version, I am given a "monthly view" option. Is this new, or are there subtle points I'm missing in the description?

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #


Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Try this instead:

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Nope... 403 Forbidden

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Weird. It works for me. Perhaps try pasting the URL into your address bar and removing the filename. Hotlinking to Blogger can be crazy...

Bill Mac [PersonRank 9]

16 years ago #

I think I get it now. iPhone Google Calendar now has a monthly view, whereas it didn't before, but web Google Calendar has always had it. I did think it a little odd that the web version wouldn't have that view, which is why I asked. (I need to find whoever taught me reading comprehension and let them know they failed.)

J. McNair [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

[put at-character here]Tony Ruscoe
Copy and pasting the URL into a new browser window or tab works. At least for the second one. Hoping the desktop Google Calendar gets this.

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

> iPhone Google Calendar now has a monthly view,
> whereas it didn't before, but web Google Calendar
> has always had it.

Bill Mac, I don't think that's it. This is a different type of monthly view.

The standard version of Google Calendar shows you the month on one page, with the items actually displaying in each day's box.

The iPhone "month-at-a-glance view" just shows the entire month with shaded boxes which represent when you have events scheduled. You can then click those shaded dates to view your events below the calendar.

It's a bit like the Agenda view in the iGoogle Calendar gadget (which is a cross between the Month and Agenda views in Google Calendar).

Bill Mac [PersonRank 9]

16 years ago #

Thanks Tony, that makes it clear. Cheers.

Colin Colehour [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Nice to get a new Google Homepage on my iPhone along with the new maps locate me functionality. It shows me about a couple miles away from where I am. I guess thats better than nothing.

Piotr Konieczny [PersonRank 9]

16 years ago #

Rodrigo Costa: just to let you know, you can setup a different password for your Google AdSense Account.

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