Hi, Look at this: http://www.google.fr/dictionary?langpair=en|fr&q=narrow there are now pics associated to some words. There might be issues with that because of no copyright or source is mentioned. |
Although you can click through and view the image in its original context (like with Image Search).
I assume they're using Google Image Labeler to help with this, but I wonder if they're using keywords from that exclusively rather than their less reliable guesses based on page content and ALT text. |
I assume alt and page context and not the image labeler (check out this search http://www.google.fr/dictionary?aq=f&langpair=en|fr&q=mountain&hl=fr) |
You can trigger the images with just about any animal search. The one for 'Deer' displays a motorcyle that hit a deer. Not sure that helps with the definition. :)
Deer http://www.google.com/dictionary?langpair=en%7Cen&q=deer&hl=en&aq=f |