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Google Base Germany, UK  (View post)

Thomas Bindl [PersonRank 1]

Monday, May 22, 2006
18 years ago4,397 views

I think it's pretty new as the search for the url doesn't reveal any results:

Kirby Witmer [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

There is one there now... but it was indexed today!! :-)

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I remember I found in October, 26th 2005. (search the URL on Google).
But this French URL is always in english :-s

Vijay [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

I would not consider live unless the prices are displayed in GBP and the items belong from UK.

I think you should check before making posts like these!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Hmm, maybe this was just one of those "folders work on every Google domain" kind of things, as and work too.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Google Base UK & DE will be lanched tomorrow :

Thomas Bindl [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

They had local-looking keywords displayed back then. Stuff like "personals DE", "tickets DE", .... So I guess it was more than that before they pulled it. I guess it just slipped out.

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