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Watching Water Evaporate (Video)  (View post)

Joey J. [PersonRank 5]

Thursday, July 20, 2006
18 years ago4,387 views

To quote the Ninja, watching wood be wood.

Reto Meier [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Ahh, but grass growing and water evaporating are far to rewarding – watch long enough (or preferably fast enough) and you'll see qualitative and quantitative change.

Now, watching paint dry – there's an unrewarding experience.

Travis Harris [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Watch a programmer work? ;o)

Corsin Camichel [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

> Watch a programmer work? ;o)
... while it is 36° C outside

alek [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago # already exists ... ;-)

I could turn the webcam on myself, but that's pretty boring and you would probably catch me picking my nose which would gross everyone out. But if anyone has a clever/funny/boring idea (gotta be family friendly), drop me a note.

BTW, a few more incredibly exciting time-lapse movies can be seen at:
which includes mowing the lawn, washing the car, shoveling snow, sprinklers, and the charity fundraiser Hulk'in Limeade stand we did. Mainstream Media has been all over this breaking news.

Hanan Cohen [PersonRank 7]

18 years ago #

Every time, people re-invent what others had already done long before them.


Sleep is a 1963 film by Andy Warhol which consists of long take footage of John Giorno sleeping for over five hours. It was one of Warhol's first experiments with filmmaking, and was created as an "anti-film". Warhol would later extend this technique to his eight-hour-long film Empire.


Empire is a silent, black and white film made in 1964 by Andy Warhol. It consists of eight hours and five minutes of continuous footage of the Empire State Building in New York City. Abridged showings of the film were never allowed; supposedly the very unwatchability of the film was an important part of the reason the film was created.


(quoted from Wikipedia)

Blaine Collins [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

Watching dust accumulate

alek [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Appreciate the "dust accumulate" suggestion and I'll have to give this some .... uhhhhh ... thought. I guess I could periodically use my finger to write in the dust, eh?!? ;-)

BTW, I was chatting with a friend today who is coming over around Noon on Monday ... and he drives a Hummer – that's one of those giant gaz-guzzling cars for those that don't know what it is. We'll try to do something creative with it – heh, heh! ;-)

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