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Just 'Google Docs' now

Tommy [PersonRank 0]

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
17 years ago5,549 views

Perhaps this has already been mentioned, but I noticed today that Google Docs and Spreadsheets has the title 'Google Docs' in the browser title bar (or tab), whereas it used to be 'Google Docs and Spreadsheets'. Perhaps this is the start of the introduction of Google's answer to Powerpoint, which would explain the new title, give that something like 'Google Docs, Spreadsheets and Presentation' would be too long.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Ah, good catch.

Inferno [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Yea finally the sweet smell of Google's Presentation Application!!!

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

the logo is still "google docs and spreadsheets", at least in french.
The title is still "google docs and s.." on the login page.

Martin Porcheron [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

The logo does still read "Google Docs & Spreadsheets", however it's alt attribute reads just "Google Docs"

David Hetfield [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Summer is out there in most countries. We want Presentations! :P

Martin Porcheron [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I'm thinking/hoping that Google is working on some other feature they want to release at the same time as Presentations (hopefully more interoperability between the different document types like in MS Office),

photoactive [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Mm. Or Gears-powered offline capability. Or background synching with Star Office docs. Or a database application. Or or or.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Maybe Google Documents would be clearer. I don't know if people use "docs" that much in the US.

Martin Porcheron [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Ionut,Google calls MS word files documents calling the whole product Documents aswell would be even more confusing. Personally I think they should call the whole product something else like Google Productivity Suite or something similar, calling it Google Docs could be confused with a Google Document.

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I got a link to a product survey:

There's a question: "How did you first hear about Google Docs & Spreadsheets?" and one of the options is Google Pack.

Colin Colehour [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Well they could call it 'iWork'. Wait, that ones taken. How about 'Office 2007'. Hmm, thats a no go cause its taken too. We shall call it 'Docs'. Simple and just rolls off your tongue. :p

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

It might be hard for them to call it "Google Office", considering that for the past few years they've been strenuously denying that they're working on an Office Suite.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I would have made a bet it will be "Google Documents" after that recent blog post where this name was dropped, but now that it's renamed "Google Docs" I'm not so sure. But does Google Docs sound serious enough for office uses?

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Probably as serious as Google Apps.

David Hetfield [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Google Docs sound more like it.
It's easier to say " Google Docs " than " Google Documents ".

SQ89 [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

In Dutch, the title of the overview page is Google Documenten.

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