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Google Shows Broken Backlinks  (View post)

David Mulder [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
15 years ago3,979 views

I am absolutely not sure, but I believe I had this already a few months ago... but I could very well be wrong...

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

David, it's old that you could see "not found" issues with your site in Webmaster Tools, but what's supposed (?) to be new is that you can now open that "pages" popup to see who exactly is linking to that "not found" page...
(But I don't know when exactly it was added or how new it is...)

abeen [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

The "Linked From" provides very much information. GWT has added that and great work from the GWT team.

[signature removed]

GeekLad [PersonRank 1]

15 years ago #

It's about time Google finally included the sources for bad links. I had complained about lack of this feature in the webmaster help forum on Google groups just a few weeks ago. Webmasters have been requesting the source feature since 2006, but nothing had been done. I suppose they finally listened. As Philipp says, the reporting of 404 errors has been there for some time, but adding the source of the bad links is quite new. I know its new because I have been using the tool quite a bit lately to keep an eye on my new site as well as other sites I own.


Colin Colehour [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

Wow, the discovery date column showed dates as old as 2006 for some of my Not Found backlinks.

Anyone else getting Not Found Error 404 when clicking the "Linked From" link?

   I've also gotten the message "Our system is currently busy. Please try again in a few minutes." a few times too. [PersonRank 10]

15 years ago #

[moved from "Webmaster Tools shows Crawl error sources"]

Ever since we released the crawl errors feature in Webmaster Tools, webmasters have asked for the sources of the URLs causing the errors. Well, we're listening! We know it was difficult for those of you who wanted to identify the cause of a particular "Not found" error, in order to prevent it in the future or even to request a correction, without knowing the source URL. Now, Crawl error sources makes the process of tracking down the causes of "Not found" errors a piece of cake. This helps you improve the user experience on your site and gives you a jump start for links week (check out our updated post on "Good times with inbound links" to get the scoop).

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