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ratatösk [PersonRank 2]

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
18 years ago18,259 views

Yup, I could migrate: only problem, my blogger name used to be the same as my gmail name (everything before the @). Now I cannot access my old blogs anymore, because everytime I use my old name it thinks I want to log in with gmail:S What should I do?

Sam Davyson [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Some previous discussion:

Matt Cutts [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

"it might be possible the Atom feed is now indexed via e.g. the Google Toolbar (which is known to get pages into the Google index even when those pages are unlinked)."

I don't believe that part in parentheses is true; let me know if you've got a source for that and I'll go and comment there..

John @ Freshblog [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Ratatosk... Are your passwords the same too? It ought to recognise you as 2 different users if you use your full Gmail addy as the beta signon and your old signon to get to your original acct...

Ramibotros [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

is it just me or is the whole blogger server down?

Brinke Guthrie [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

how can i take my blogger acct and merge it into google accts? I can access the blogger beta but cant figure out the merge.

NateDawg [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

[put at-character here]Brinke – It seems at this time that the merging of the account feature is disabled, but it doesn't seem far off. (Philipp had a work around here but it involes creating a new account)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

> "it might be possible the Atom feed is now indexed
> via e.g. the Google Toolbar (which is known to get
> pages into the Google index even when those
> pages are unlinked)."
> I don't believe that part in parentheses is true; let me
> know if you've got a source for that and I'll go and
> comment there..

Google knows the URL of every page you visit if you enable the Google Toolbar advanced options, as it will send the URL to Google to check for the URL's PageRank. It was my understanding this also gets the page indexed, and I vaguely remember having seen proof on my own server for this, but I've set up a testcase just now to be sure. Search for [blogoscoped55521384239] to check if/ when the page lands in the index. I just visited the page, which has a URL with a random string, using the Google Toolbar + PageRank option. I'll check back in a couple of days to weeks. The page is completely unlinked and its URL isn't mentioned anywhere. You can also help out by asking the Toolbar team in the meantime... [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Cool...finally blogger integrates with google accounts. A whole lot of new applications can be generated. Guess its time for more brain storming from the google camp:)

ratatösk [PersonRank 2]

18 years ago #

yes, same password, so if I only use the short version without it thinks I want to enter with the gmail account: there is only one place to enter your address:S

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Message for the lucky guys who have the new version : if you add "&hl=fr" at end of the URL, do you get an other version or is it always in English? (if it change, could you make some screenshots? (-:)

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

<< if you add "&hl=fr" at end of the URL, do you get an other version >>

Nope, it's always in English for me.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #


So, I'll borrow some of your pics for my article on Zorgloob ;-)

Sankar Anand [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Can anybody access this blog ?

Our TonyRuscoe will find a solution for it...

Sam Davyson [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

On the whether a URL visited by a Google Toolbar user gets automatically indexed I don't think that it does. The riddle site I made has been visited by a lot of people, some of which I would estimate have the Google Toolbar advanced options on. Now of the pages beyond level 1 are linked to on the website (or anywhere else online) and:

none of the level pages are in Google's index.

Matt Nordhoff [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

But... Wasn't using static files a good thing?

Sam Davyson [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

[put at-character here]Matt N:

It makes it quicker to load pages, but it means that the editor of the blog has to wait longer each time they republish. Also changes made to layout can take a while to propagate with static systems. If you look at the two leading professional platforms one (WordPress) is dynamic, the other (Movable Type) is static. It is a toss up between them.

via TomHTML:

Blogger is added to your Google Account page after you sign up:

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Thanks for your tips Sam

I have created an other blogger account and it works!
Now there is a new "beta" blog, from someone who HATES all that is not really completed (paradoxal isn't it) :


/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

talkin of services on account page.. I have never accepted the TOS Video yet, it shows on my service listings.. why ?? i

s else anyone seeing this syndrome too ??

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

because there is a line ...
"If You do not accept or reject the new terms within the five (5) day period, You will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the new terms"

stefan2904 [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

too late :-(

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Two hours after the launch, it was already too late :-(

stefan2904 [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

i see...sorry

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

actually that msg was always there..thats what I noted as the first defect

Jake's View [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I'm got a new account. Here's my test blog that has every feature.

Jake's View [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #


-TD- [PersonRank 4]

18 years ago #

See, a Blogger style Nav bar, would suit the products like GMail, GCal, without having to have the light blue link strip which looks out of place.

Matt Cutts [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Cool Philipp. :) I sent you a few comments on preferred methodology to make sure it's a completely watertight test..

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #


still not in index

NateDawg [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Interesting, earlier today when I signed into Blooger with my Google account it automatically brought me to the migrate page; now I'm brought to my Google login dashboard with a messge that
You'll see a link on your Blogger dashboard when you are able to move.

Maybe they're not as close to migrating as I thought earlier...

Mrrix32 [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I had a Blogger account and a Google Acount, Both user names where the same, the pass words where different, I created a blog with my Google Account, and now it depends on which pass word I type to which blogs apear on my list!

Mrrix32 [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

AAAAAAAhhh. A blog on a Blogger Account can't be shared with a Google Account!
I'm a bit stuck now

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #


I will give it 2 months max starting today.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

what two months ??

A fresh page should be indexed within at least 7 days! – and no, I am not talkign about PR at all, thats a different issue

search term should be part of the SERP within 7 days!!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Pd – but remember the page is unlinked! It needs to go through the Google Toolbar indexing, if it all, that's the test case! What you are talking about is the indexing speed when a page is linked from a blog like ours which then makes it easy for Google to spider the page. But the Toolbar may or may not have different timings... see what I mean?

Ionut Alex. Chitu [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I think the Toolbar should mind its own business. It shouldn't try to protect Google as the default search engine, report sites, store search history, have an unique ID. It should be a tool that allows you to access GOOG's services faster and more efficiently, not a secret agent.

/pd [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Ionut – Why mind its own business ?? After all other toolbars are doing exactly what Philipp described -alexa, MSN, YHOO toolbar are doing just this (or at least I think its doing it). goog is just leveraging user data for themselves..

Philipp: I think I understand now.. its just a static page that has only been hit with the toolbar.. no linkys and zero PR. Interesting.. pls keep us informed!!

Matt Nordhoff [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

[put at-character here]Sam Davyson:

Using static files is also better because they only have to be generated once for each change, and your web server handles headers like Last-Modified, If-Modified-Since, ETag, If-None-Match and requests using ranges. Dynamic pages suck in that regard.

This is pretty much a Linux-vs.-Windows sort of thing, though, isn't it? :P

QZoners [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Hmmm.... I hope they will lunch it quckly... I want to try it as soon as possible

Kevin Gibbons [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Sounds like there's some great new features there, I've always wanted to add categories to my posts like you can using WordPress.

Wouter Schut [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I predicted this:

Corsin Camichel [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

you should update the rest:

3. API for google-login system (like Microsoft Passport but a lot cheaper).
13. Link to a time-frame on

Both came true, if I remember right.

Writer Shore [PersonRank 1]

18 years ago #

Does this mean anything? Blogs can be moved over, it looks like, why won't it let me do mine?

I found this by clicking on "Next Blog" several times on the Blogger Navbar

Sankar Anand [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

great find...... Writer Shore and by the way we must try to move our blog atlast....

Sohil [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

Damn it. I'm gone for a few days and this happens. Can't wait to check it out.

satomi i. [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

Hello. I've just switched to beta. Somehow, all the comment links to old Blogger users' profile pages were disabled. It only says, " We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request." If you know anything about this, please drop me a line.

Milly [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

(I'm a bit late to this topic).

Matt Cutts
> "it might be possible the Atom feed is now indexed
> via e.g. the Google Toolbar (which is known to get
> pages into the Google index even when those
> pages are unlinked)."
> I don't believe that part in parentheses is true; let me
> know if you've got a source for that and I'll go and
> comment there..

Matt, there has been much speculation and (from what you say) misconception about this for *years* :-|index|indexing|crawl|crawling+hidden|private|secret|unpublished

Why don't Google put something specific about it for the Toolbar (and Web Accelerator?) in the Toolbar/Accelerator/Webmaster Help/Support pages?

Philipp Lenssen
> [...] I've set up a testcase just now to be sure. Search for
> [blogoscoped55521384239] to check if/ when the page lands in the
> index. I just visited the page, which has a URL with a random
> string, using the Google Toolbar + PageRank option. I'll check
> back in a couple of days to weeks. The page is completely
> unlinked and its URL isn't mentioned anywhere. You can also help
> out by asking the Toolbar team in the meantime...

Matt Cutts
> Cool Philipp. :) I sent you a few comments on preferred
> methodology to make sure it's a completely watertight test..

Hmm, I don't see how this can be watertight. If the URL appears in the index, isn't it likely to be a repeat of Lisa and GoogleGuy's inconclusive double-ended logging detailed in the above WebMasterWorld thread?

Which started:
[Lisa]"Ok, we have had this discussion before and the result was a denial by GG that Googlebot did this. But I have proof that Google crawls locations that you visit with the broswer/toolbar. Make a new document that no one knows about. Visit that location a couple times with your toolbar on. Set logging on this document.... wait a month and there comes Google. – - [06/May/2002:23:51:06 -0700] "GET /location_that_I_made_to_test_googlebot/ HTTP/1.0" 401 46 "-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+"

Please set traps and prove me wrong but I am positive that they do this! The theory to dis--count this used to be that the location was crawled because it was in a referral log somewhere. Well, that is not the case because I only referrer to myself and my logs are private."

And ended:
[GoogleGuy]"Lisa, sometimes I'm just busy. :) I still don't believe the toolbar caused your page to be visited by Google--but I don't have a crawler log listing another page that links to your secret url, so I can't present nice proof that it wasn't the toolbar. While I don't think your toolbar caused your page to be crawled, my personal, completely unofficial understanding is that our privacy policy permits the use of search/toolbar data to improve our crawls. Again, that's just my personal take on it."

And if it doesn't appear, wouldn't that only prove that the Toolbar doesn't reliably index *all* the URLs it sees? For the sake of speculation, maybe it's just flaky; maybe it only indexes above certain criteria (to compensate for the lack of PR), e.g. any/all of total hits; different GUID'd hits; different IP'd hits; outgoing links; domain 'authority'; etc.

As Philipp suggests, the Toolbar Team really ought to know. And be willing (on Google's behalf) to go on the record. And maybe to set up some in-house test beds, if it's theoretically possible for the Toolbar URLs to leak into the index, even if (as appears to be the case) it's not by design.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

I'm not sure about previous tests but this one is watertight for all I know...
But agreed, it might save us all time if the Toolbar team would just reveal the details of this.

dreamflow [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

I’ve written a tutorial which will show you how to add labels to your old posts without loosing your PRE-BETA TEMPLATE:

Hope you like it.

Will B [PersonRank 0]

18 years ago #

The new Blogger beta is much of a muchness for me except for a couple of problems:

1. Flickr does not support Blogger beta, only the original. So where before I could send picture from my phone to my Flickr stream ( and in the same instance have them appear on my blog ( I can no longer do this. Okay it's not all bad, my phone bill is smaller but it's still annoying.

2. I'm surprised more people haven't complained about this, the old 'blog' button on the Google toolbar, or the newer 'send to > blogger' on the latest toolbar doesn't work. If you click on the send to and sign in as before firstly I'm asked to login (to my old blogger account), then I'm re-directed to a blogger beta login where after logging in the page details etc. I was trying to blog have been lost. It's a real shame it doesn't work, and no where can I find a work around for this problem.

I'm sure all of these things will eventually get ironed out, however as of now if you have a standard blogger account I recommend you stick with it. If it ain't broke ... in the long run I suspect we'll all be migrated to the new blogger, but as of this moment I recommend you hold off.

dpneal [PersonRank 10]

18 years ago #

anybody know when they will add ftp support to the blogger beta? i really think they should update the GUI for the new beta.

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