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Street View in Maps [and now Mapplets as well]

Anders [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
17 years ago31,310 views

Go to 94111 (San Francisco) in Google Maps and check out Street View. Very cool.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Is that the wireframe 3D view?
Are you at the Where 2.0 conference at this moment?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

> Is that the wireframe 3D view?

Hmm, apparently it's not, and I can't yet see the "Street View" button Search Engine Land mentions:

Can anyone see this? (If so can you post screenshots?)

Anders [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I'm not at Where 2.0. Just came across the street view by chance. Looks like a better version of A9's old street view. Not wireframe, just stitched images it seems.

Daniel Garcia [PersonRank 6]

17 years ago #

Complete article with links at:

I can't see "Street View" button

Niraj Sanghvi [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Think it's being pushed out sooner because Microsoft just released some 3D city views?

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I've added this post to Digg for all those who can't see it yet:

NateDawg [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

This is insane. The storage space you must need to accomplish this is mind blowing. Very Cool.

Corsin Camichel [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

If somebody could send some javascript over we could hack a Greasemonkey script ;)

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I can't see it :-/
Philipp > dugg :)

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

OK I got the trip :

   ________ >>> just add "&gl=us" at the URL :-)

iand [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Here are some screen shots:

iand [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Here is the URL I used:,-122.402544&spn=0.045168,0.063944&z=14&layer=c&cbll=37.799679,-122.402544

Mambo [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Wow, they've really gone to town with their "help" screen on this feature....

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Just announced: Mapplets (I'm updating the post on the go):

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

you can see google team on charleston road!

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[ImageShack was loading slowly, mirrored to here... -Philipp]

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Wow, Tom! Thanks! The little helper above really works!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Yeah, nice hack Tom!

The level of detail is amazing, when you zoom in on the pan view you can actually make out individual faces...

Brad Thompson [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Look at the level of detail this has! I counted the number of bottles in my bathroom window by zooming in...

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #,+Mountain+View,+CA&ie=UTF8&ll=37.42273,-122.084606&spn=0.003587,0.013561&t=k&z=17&om=0&layer=c&cbll=37.420894,-122.084098&cbp=1,350.847788133039,0.50162504868533,0&gl=us
you can zoom on their faces
I recognize nobody :-/

Asa [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Is anyone concerned about the intrusiveness of this new feature? I'm not sure what you can do with this info, but I found someone with a Volvo and Calivornia license plate 3BBP084 on the golden gate bridge.,-122.477371&cbp=1,318.650162278939,0.796258254404513,3&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=37.841784,-122.467175&spn=0.081337,0.160675&z=13

Brock [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

I'm still waiting for driving directions with landmarks. "Turn left at the Dunkin Donuts". Why hasn't this been implemented? It seems like a no-brainer ...

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #,-122.477371&cbp=1,318.650162278939,0.796258254404513,3&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=37.841784,-122.467175&spn=0.081337,0.160675&z=13&gl=US
Ok competition time! Find a woman who looks like a man. Th first person get the chance to give me 500€! My one is probably a man but looks a little like a woman IMO

Pau Tomàs [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I aggre with the privacy issues... but the tecnhology is quite cool!

PS: I also like the Google colored cones at the Googleplex entrance,-120.948486&sspn=2.94791,5.141602&ie=UTF8&ll=37.426633,-122.081923&spn=0.011519,0.027122&t=k&z=16&om=1&layer=c&cbll=37.42083,-122.08289&cbp=2,338.705295669212,0.622920003049355,2&gl=us

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

lol, Its the little things, eh Pau?

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Ok Pau and Asa and everyone. How did you get those url to show others. The link I posted is the same as Asas, the one I used to enter GMaps.

BTW don't know how new this is but I see a link that says "New! GPS-Enabled Google Maps for mobile" that links here

Asa [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

James, After you view whatever you want to send to there people, click the "Link to this page" next to "Print" and "Email" in the top right corner. Just to make sure I get the right one, I always open it in a new tab and copy and paste the URL.

Yannick [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

For everyone outside the US, who can't see it....

or add the &gl=us behind an existing address....

phillipp, you might wanna write this in the main post, so many people don't see it else (I don't think they all read that here)....

anyways, can't see the maplet, but the street view now from outside the us

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Playing around with this now I gotta say it's pretty amazing. Just imagine they roll this out for locations worldwide... the globe will shrink once more.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

> phillipp, you might wanna write this in the main post

Yeah, I already did by now...

Yannick [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

oh okay, cool:P

sorry, didn't see it

Ryan Freebern [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

There's data for New York City as well. Judging by the news ticker in Times Square, it seems like the photographs were taken in late September last year.

Amagi Tremper [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

wow.. this really seems to get a big thing :) (its already isnt it ;)

Yannick [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

If that isn't the COOLEST easter egg ever:,-122.083978&spn=0.000984,0.002975&t=k&z=19&om=1&layer=c&cbll=37.420894,-122.084098&cbp=2,359.767414841238,0.50142098071927,0&gl=us

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Hmmm... I'd have to say the Excel 95 easter egg is the best ever.

Daniel Garcia [PersonRank 6]

17 years ago #

In Help, at report inappropiate image. Google present a form
- This image contains inappropriate content
- This image infringes on my privacy
- This image presents personal security concerns

Daniel Garcia [PersonRank 6]

17 years ago #

If you drag the map outside US, street view button dissapears

Conor Cleary [PersonRank 8]

17 years ago #

haha lookie

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

The Transparent Woman! Exclusive to google maps!
Post a link Conor if you can :-D :(|)

Dustin Moore [Immersive Media] [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

The non SF data was provided by, yes.

You can see the full coverage that Immersive Media has for
licensing at

We do have a lot of data.

(Full Disclosure: I keep the survey systems (inertial positioning
assisted by GPS) operating, I wired all the vehicles etc.)

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Look at what Live maps have resorted to!

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Pretty cool interactive videos Dustin (though it crashed my Firefox 2 the first time I tried, some seconds after popping up some Shockwave update dialog). Congrats on this technology. Can I contact you for some questions (I'll try info[put at-character here]

Asa [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

I found the Transparent Woman.,-122.083978&sspn=0.001278,0.002511&ie=UTF8&ll=37.807444,-122.404963&spn=0.002543,0.005021&z=18&om=1&layer=c&cbll=37.806452,-122.405123&cbp=1,224.90615755627,0.672507425637085,3&gl=us

[Added the &gl=us parameter for non-US visitors. -Philipp]

Michel Telendro [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Asa, try this ;),-122.405123&cbp=2,225.620658125233,0.67469682381297,3&ll=37.808449,-122.404636&spn=0.003942,0.010815&z=17

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Hmm, the San Francisco data (the one by Google, not Immersive) shows more zoom levels (4 not 3), and the zoom will actually load a better-quality picture, not just enlarge to a more blurred version...

alek [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I couldn't resist tossing "Google Girls with Google" into DIGG –

Yea, that's pretty amazing detail ... and not bad to look at either! ;-)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

This is like out of some mafia or spy movie... or Blade Runner! (The same person from different angles as the recording car passes through the street...)

JennyPenny [PersonRank 6]

17 years ago #

Oh my. Shouldn't Google get permission to use these people's "faces" on their maps? I wouldn't want my picture taken for the whole world to see, especially if they didn't ask me for permission...

Nate [PersonRank 5]

17 years ago #

Up next: Real time Street View, via your own free Google Robot Car

Andreas Bovens [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

This is a wild ride:,-122.083978&sspn=0.001278,0.002511&ie=UTF8&om=1&layer=c&cbll=37.802013,-122.419476&cbp=1,79.4750454818615,0.60816033984365,0&gl=us&ll=37.802502,-122.419386&spn=0.000937,0.001824&t=k&z=19

Mark Olive [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Apparently the new interface requires Flash. I thought Google didn't use flash?

siggi [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Ladys and Gentleman, may I introduce 2007! ;-)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Andreas, there's an alien on that street (what's that, camera flash light?):


Pierre S [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I guess they're shot in a public place.
They still retain a right on their image though.
I'm now waiting for live coverage with cctv sponsored by the various governments around the world.
Google sponsors free burglar spotting, and as a reward, they get access to live data they use for Google Object Search (which finally tells you where your keys/girlfriend have gone), and maps the streets and shops with AdWords for Walls


Zim [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Wow, this is just amazing!

or [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

The street view is cool, but I'm surprised that no one have pointed out that the mapplets are alot more functional for regular people. For example try out the google home rental and sale search, go to

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

02:22, I found this!

Haochi [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[put at-character here]
Larger version

OREO [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

You can see the house from the Real World Denver! Unbelievable!

1920 Market Street, Denver, CO

J. McNair [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[put at-character here]Mark Olive
Actually, Google will use Flash when other technologies are too slow or costly. Google Finance AND Analytics both use Flash to present nifty real time interfaces to data. The current open alternative technologies are either immature (SVG), slow (DHTML), huge downloads (Java and .NET/Silverlight) or "not supported by Internet Explorer" (Canvas). Basically, anything graphically intensive AND cross platform needs Flash FOR NOW. Why do you think Adobe bought Macromedia? It helps that Flash player runs on, like, everything almost. If Google REALLY wanted to be nice, they'd target Flash 7 because that's as far as the open source GNASH player has progressed.

[put at-character here]Google
Please put Street View in Google Earth 5. It would rock my little socks. You want to do this because you love me. I promise I will ignore the geocoding mistakes in maps, even though Live, Ask and Yahoo get them right and are better at correcting user mistakes. Honest! I'll just take a virtual walk around and find the right address myself! Yeah, I'm being mean. Maps is overall a fantastic product that FORCED Yahoo, Ask and MS to improve quickly. Thank you for the new features that are still free.

[put at-character here]Dustin Moore from Immersive Media
So when is Google gonna buy you guys, huh? I'd understand if you "can't discuss it". (Note: I am joking...mostly)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

> The current open alternative technologies
> are either immature (SVG), slow (DHTML)

I think DHTML/Ajax/SVG/VML can be thought of as a sort of cross-browser group (vs Flash), and while it has its limits it's not necessarily slow or immature... see what a Google engineer had to say on the topic:

Actually you will notice when it comes to certain accessibility issues that Flash has very precise limits, too, limits which DHTML doesn't have... in Flash it is simply much harder, sometimes impossible, to emulate all possible input variants and all OS "look and feel" details. Once when I wasn't able to do something simple as copy & paste URLs in the Google Talk gadget (it wouldn't work most of the time when I tried), I talked to a Google Flash expert who told me:

<<The paste behavior in Flash varies slightly in Firefox on Windows. Namely, the shortcut isn't considered triggered unless the V key is released while the Ctrl key is still down. The expected behavior is that as soon as the V key is depressed the paste is triggered. I believe this is the issue.>>

(Google's engineer added that "this behavior is on FF Windows only. Mac and IE work as expected.")

And sometimes, it's unclear whether the Flash engineer just got the implementation wrong or if it's one of those entirely-impossible cases – for instance, Google Talk supports the mouse scrollwheel, but it doesn't support *all* of its functionality (like holding the mousescrollwheel-middle-button down to "speed drag-scroll").
As another for instance, none of my usual Windows clipboard shortcuts (Shift + Del = Cut, Ctrl + Insert = Copy, Shift + Insert = Paste) worked in the Flash-based Google Talk gadget. Again, perhaps it's possibly to support this in Flash, but the engineers forgot, and in the case of above issue they even knew about it but found it impossible to implement. These are Minor issues taken on its own, but a DHTML app – like Google Docs/ Spreadsheets – will do all this "natively" without extra effort by the programmer.

Not that I'm not saying it's an either/ or issue... sometimes, you might prefer the one set of pros and cons, sometimes the other set... and the combination of DHTML and Flash in Google Maps shows that the two can work together, too. To go with that chess master who was asked what's his favorite chess piece: "The one with which I'm winning in the end."

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Edit: Corrected the mapplet directory URL in the post (it was pointing to something that was headlined maps directory, but was actually presenting all kinds of gadgets). [Thanks Adam L.!]

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

On a related note, Pamela Fox of the Google Maps team is interviewed in a Google podcast: [MP3]

<<* Her role, and background
   * A little history on the Google Maps API
   * Information about mashups
   * How you can overlay map content such as MapWOW, Lord of the Rings, and your own
   * How to be hard code with custom tiles, to give you a full level of detail
   * How to use simple ground overlays
   * About the Google Moon API
   * How KML and Google Earth fit into Google Maps
   * The magic of GGeoXml()
   * What the Maps group is going to be doing for developer day
   * How to use the JavaScript API
   * How you can use Maps from within GWT, Rails, and other platforms
   * What's GMap2, and how does the API handle versioning
   * Enjoying the scroll-wheel zoom
   * How My Maps fits into Google Maps
   * How Google Maps helped launched the Ajax meme
   * Pamela's favorite recent Maps mashups (bones, crop circles, and more)
   * The sample code available in the gmaps-samples
   * Using the Google Spreadsheet Data API as a data store
   * Understanding the limitations on Google Maps API use
   * What are the hidden features in the Google Maps API that people tend not to use
   * Why you should GLog
   * What the common issues that new Maps API users come across
   * Best practices for developing Google Maps Mashups>>

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

> Shouldn't Google get permission to use these
> people's "faces" on their maps?

As for the legal situation of photographing faces, I asked over at Uclue and here's their answer:

In the US laws would be pro Street View:
<<In the United States, each state has its own laws on this matter, but courts have generally held that it is legal to publish photographs of strangers as long as the subjects are in public places where they would not have a "reasonable expectation of privacy." So it's OK to post a pic of some unnamed person buying ice cream from a street vendor, while it's not OK to post a pic of the same unnamed person changing clothes in the locker room of a spa.>>

(So unless there's something private on Street View – and I half-expect incidents to show up on Google Maps, e.g. people you can privately spot through a street window – it seems to be OK.)

But e.g. in Germany laws might be against Street View (which is why perhaps Google made this US-only, unless you append the gl=us parameter):
<<As a rule, publications of photographs always require the consent of the individuals depicted. However, the subject's interest in keeping his or her private life confidential must be weighed against the need of the public to be informed.>>

Perhaps Google can find ways to blur faces in countries that wouldn't allow this otherwise. [Or drive-by the same location during different times to blend out the "delta" as has been done by filters before...]

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

In France, if you publish a photo of a public place, people shown on the picture "by accident" can't claim about their privacy.

Someone on Zorgloob said Google have used a photo camera-fitted car to take these pictures, because you can follow the BMW without problem:

Horho [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

toml [PersonRank 6]

17 years ago #

go to 94111 find the brodway st go west to octavia street. On this intersection dimetrally weather chang. It's funny

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

The video makes me fun :)
And the best is the HIGH-resolution of the pictures, you can see so many details! AND AND AND :-)
(and surely many others)

mc [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

Phillip: They can just blur the faces, they have the face identification technology remember :)

Not that I understand why people are bothered, there are millions of photos in flickr with random peoples faces on who just happened to be in the picture, how is this any different?

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

It's available in Google Earth too now!

justinf [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

this is just insanely cool.

justinf [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Las Vegas is awesome. you really get a sense of being there , without actually being there..

justinf [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

google really needs to harness the power of millions of users out there by incentivising in some way this technology – by having street mapping affilliates, mapping each and every town and city on the planet. maybe the affilliates would get paid and a per kilometre basis perhaps. and the tech to do it (cameras , software) could be sold by Google.

secondly, the next stage would be to somehow linkify the businesses imaged, so that you could click through to their website – so if you virtually drove past the HQ of say, Cisco or Novell, and clicked on the building, you'd end up on their website.

that linkability would have to be paid for of course, through an option in Adwords maybe.

Suresh S [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

have a look at golden gate

MarWi [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

Hi all,

Sorry if it was mentioned already, I haven't read all the comments. But I think it's worth noting that Microsoft has a similar thing going on:

justinf [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

list of interesting places found is being compiled here:

(via a comment on digg)

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #


J. McNair [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Mr. Lenssen, you correct. Flash does have accessibility issues and it isn't perfectly cross platform. I just realized that Google targeting Flash 7 would be a terrible idea, because only the more recent versions of Flash player work well with web services. The Google engineer you mentioned favored Flash for many good reasons.

I should have been more specific in my criticisms, and I will try to improve. Most SVG implementations are immature and slow, and the standard is going in odd directions. AJAX and DHTML aren't slow, and I should correctly include Canvas and VML here with them as they can be scripted. Flash is still faster for complex vector animation. Java and .NET/Silverlight are big downloads for big applications, but they aren't slow anymore (after startup time). There is nothing on the internet (yet) compelling enough to make people want to bother downloading them. Virtual Earth 3D might do this for Microsoft.

I guess the old (early 2000s) best practice still applies.
1. Deliver as much of the interface as possible using web standards, to take advantage of native browser and platform features.
2. Deliver graphically intensive components in Flash.
3. Keep Java, .NET, Python, PERL, PHP, Ruby and friends on the server unless absolutely necessary.

Fred [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Here are some links to some cool sightings:


Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

> google really needs to harness the
> power of millions of users out there
> by incentivising in some way this technology

... user reviews on top of the panorama pics when there´s a restaurant ... but imagine the humiliation, as it will look like virtual graffiti ("don´t go here their chef is the worst!!") ...

Eneko Alonso [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

After I discovered this new amazing feature from Google, I wondered... "Would it be possible that the new street level pictures were synchronized somehow with satellite images?"

I though it was something obviously far away from to be possible but... watch this:

What do you guys think? Amazing, uh?

PS: I can imagine those pics haven't been taken at the same time, but at least they have to be pretty close, less than a month or maybe a week?

Andy Lentzl [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago # has a lot of links up now

Grimmthething [PersonRank 2]

17 years ago #

Now is the time for Google Games.
Find a Dodge Charger
Find a Half Person......

Roger Browne [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

How long before Google starts replacing images of real-life billboards with their own ads?

And is this one of the enabling technologies for their rumoured virtual reality game?

Gene Farris [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

It had to happen – did not take long:

dan [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #,-122.436755&cbp=2,338.091411909624,0.642049843388084,3&ll=37.788217,-122.436512&spn=0.003137,0.004935&z=18
Another licence plate here. Also if you zoom out on the above you can see a really good shadow of the vehicle

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

You can just use this Flickr tag:


Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

San Francisco’s most famous protester, Frank Chu:,-122.389755&sspn=0.029066,0.041027&ie=UTF8&z=15&om=0&layer=c&cbll=37.77799,-122.39169&cbp=1,67.2094805064309,0.581229855765476,3

via Sketchblog

Miles Price [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Wow, imagine the potential this will have when it comes to building onto the level of creating an ad media marketplace across the street level view of Google. Imagine being able to advertise your properties/your physical business by just clicking in ads to your location as well as connecting your business directly with Google for promotional needs. The realtors as well as the larger businesses would love to pay for street level advertising in digital form – it would just be another avenue of advertising

Google just rules ~~

GeoTrotter [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I added the best Google Steet View here : (28 at this moment).

stefan2904 [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #,-122.084098&gl=us&ie=UTF8&t=k&cbp=1,366.413224885702,0.624285662636868,1&ll=37.436975,-122.081366&spn=0.043072,0.06617

Andreas Bovens [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

On , poster "charlie" points to a Google Street View panorama of a "Police Investigation in progress." Clicking on the link however results in black screen with a "This image is no longer available." The same happens with the three images around that scene.,+san+francisco&sll=37.783638,-122.452519&sspn=0.007479,0.014591&ie=UTF8&om=0&layer=c&cbll=37.781965,-122.450769&ll=37.785792,-122.450545&spn=0.007479,0.014591&z=16&cbp=1,134.527972027972,0.593411135389219,1

Brinke Guthrie [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Mapper [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Here is a huge updated list of Google StreetView sightings:

Jason [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Have you seen this site?

Its a community driven Street View site.

Rick [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Handy link to Street View demo

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